
Wednesday 17 December 2014

Menez new prince of Milano: the leader crowds

So some stroke of genius and recklessness; Jeremy Menez is the new Mr. 'crowds' of Milan, according to what I wrote this morning the BBC, which compares to a historical figure as Galeazzo Maria Sforza, Duke of Milan in the fifteenth century, recognized for his dissolute life and whimsical. Menez has taken the leadership of Milan to the sound of goals and play crazy: it was the type of player who missed the Milan team, from the start of Ibrahimovic, another absolute genius of the ball which was sold in 2012 to PSG.
The Frenchman, from heel goal to Parma to the network in solitary against Napoli is proving to have the bad habit of goal and dribbling to phenomenal levels. Crest, beard, look modern and youthful, but also a lot of self-denial and an ideal feeling with Inzaghi, his young technician who is launching a role eventually perfect. No coincidence that in his experience to Rome from 2008 to 2011 had scored a total of 7 goals playing mainly outside or away from the goal. And ironically, to increase the loot and take even more AC Milan's arm will challenge the Giallorossi Saturday night before the Christmas holidays.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Something has changed: The defense held well.

Just one goal in three games (one side's defeat last week against Genoa). And 'This is the figure that makes you smile more Pippo Inzaghi, because if accident Abate, De Sciglio and Alex (the frontline of defense owner) foreshadowed the worst for the team of Inzaghi, the performance of the last match, however, revealed the opposite.

Has a solid defense last night right under the blows of people like Higuain and Callejon Mertens who failed to breach the door Rossoneri, thanks to the great contribution of the midfielders (De Jong on all that before the defense is a real dam). About largely goes to a resounding Diego Lopez in goal gave assurance department surpassing in some interventions. But to really surprise is definitely Philppe Mexes, certain injuries were, by season debut against Sampdoria last November 8 has not abandoned the field. The Frenchman has been indicated by the same Inzaghi as 'example of this Milan' that is reborn from its ashes. And paired with Adil Rami (although yesterday came out injured in the second half) works wonders. In the last three games against Udinese, Genoa and Naples, shots were granted a total of 23, of which only 12 on target. It 'clear that solid defense means points: removed the defeat in Genoa, Milan jumped ahead by six points and now stands at -2 points behind third place.

The only notes that are likely to clash the performance of full-backs: on the one hand there Bonera that does its job without ever going further, while on the other we find Armero that features more suited to attack than to the defensive. For now Inzaghi seems to have found that bit of continuity coveted, but the match at the Olimpico against the second best attack in the league will be a difficult test.

Monday 15 December 2014

I like that, I saw a gritty Milan

It 'a Pippo Inzaghi very satisfied that spoke tonight to Sky Sports after Milan-Naples, these are his words: "I think it's very important to recover our injured players are extraordinary. But clearly have the two full backs out of the national and Alex is heavy. It makes up for their absences with performances like today that I not surprised because I have always believed in this team. Sometimes I'm sorry to hear certain things because I see how they work in a week these players. In Genoa you can lose, even if we are growing to become a team from the first places you have to do something else. I'm very happy for the first goal because it was something that we presented a lot in a week. "

Montolivo: "No one ever remembered for his absence, but now I want to talk about the team. I remember that Zapata, Muntari and Essien came foaming at the mouth like Pazzini and El Shaarawy who pawed to enter. We have to continue like this, I remember where we started and today we beat a team that wants to win the Scudetto. We congratulate Montolivo, I want to recover as soon as possible is an important player. When we possess almost a midfield two and he is very good. Today I was thinking of changing it to sesantesimo, he wanted to replace the technique and personality, but I have the heart. However we did not do anything today, I have asked this team to do more, Tuesday was the first time I raised my voice with this team, but after Genoa was necessary. I get angry only if one does not usually life as an athlete. "

The module: "It helped me to review the game last year, played well, but lost. We thought that the famous tree could give us the opportunity to not to play their median and above all to put one between Honda and Menez between the lines and find the cue for Menez. In the end I went back to play 4-3-3 because it is very expensive, at least we have covered all over the field. "

Third place: "I believe all right, if I was not ambitious would not have done the Milan coach, but need calm, we have to grow slowly. My biggest goal is to make 100%. If we come third well, but we will have given everything. "

Milan show: the third place is close ..

A Milan active and roaring like a lion in a cage, a Naples passive and full of imperfections.
 The synthesis of the attitude of the two teams on the field yesterday led to a deserved success for the Rossoneri, a return to victory in front of a friendly audience that knows reconciliation between Inzaghi and its people, although now urgent to find the continuity of pace. 
As reported today the Gazzetta dello Sport, AC Milan has given a lesson to Benitez and his men from the beginning, immediately downhill thanks to yet another incredible goal of Menez, able to leap property Koulibaly and deposit in the network '1-0. Sol sometimes Napoli gave the impression of being able to hurt and to forge in the Rossoneri siege in their own half, but no fruitful results given the bad day of Higuain and Callejon and imprecision of midfielders. 
The doubling comes in the second half with the irrepressible Bonaventura, left alone in the area of cross Armero and author of a benefit once again perfect for dynamism and sacrifice. A 2-0 that raises the ambitions of Milan, as he had said Berlusconi at Milanello Friday: this team is ready to get to the third place, that accomplice stops of Genoa and Sampdoria, becomes very close.

Sunday 14 December 2014

AC Milan, idea for the new stadium: Emirates lender and new member of the club...

Waiting for the plastic and certainties on the area where the new stadium will be born, Barbara Berlusconi continues to work for the future of Milan, between projects undertaken and other ideas in the pipeline. The last, for example, as reported this morning the newspaper Tuttosport, it concerns the future plant Rossoneri and involves Emirates, that is the shirt sponsor.

IDEA - During the negotiations that led to the renewal of the sponsorship through 2020 - reads on Tuttosport - there was also talk of the possible entry of the famous airline within corporate. How? Representatives of Emirates have shown some interest in a possible partnership for the construction of the new stadium, and just this would be the way to go, to shareholders, in the club. The costs for the construction of the future arena Rossoneri, are around three hundred million Euros, just the figure that Milan asks for 30-40 percent of the shares.

SCENARIO - The picture, then, is more or less this: Emirates will take care of the expenses for the stadium, which will also give his name. In exchange will acquire a part of the package (obviously minority) of the company. An intelligent solution, which would allow Milan to have a facility owned, while strengthening the link with a major sponsor and prestigious.

Friday 12 December 2014

Inzaghi, not only coach: it is ACMilan man's image

Filippo Inzaghi is the face that inspires greater confidence in Rossoneri; remembers the last major triumphs of Milan, has the face of a fighter never subdued, a man eager to work with the head only to his team and its goals. That's why, as noted by the Gazzetta dello Sport, Super Pippo was wanted by Toyo Tires, company sponsor of AC Milan, as a man picture yesterday evening at Brera.

The Japanese company wanted to drink a toast to the partnership agreement found with Milan, which will lead into the coffers of the club liquids important for their sustenance. And it was Inzaghi to greet this economic pact, presenting Brera loading and confident. But the role of the coach is anything but narrow: "My job is to train and enough for me, but it is nice to interact in certain events for Milan."

Inzaghi then, men symbol of the evening became motivator: "The defeat in Genoa has burned a lot, but now we want to beat Napoli. Honda is doing well, should not be judged only for the goal, and I expect a great performance Sunday in him and the team. Torres? He works hard, but then again I expect something more to all the boys. "

Thursday 11 December 2014

Market: AC Milan is ready to return to the office for Mattia Destro

In addition to fighting on the ground for a place in Europe in the coming months and Inter Milan could also compete on the market for several players, including Mattia Destro: the Roma striker, who is finding little room in red and yellow, it would in fact come under fire the two companies in Milan, that would be closely monitoring his situation at Trigoria.

OLD OBJECTIVE - As reported in today's edition of Tuttosport, when AC Milan is not convinced by any of his first tips: Pazzini and Torres, in fact, are not giving guarantees in terms of goals they expected in the house and then the Rossoneri their future is uncertain. The Italian player could remain at Milanello in January, but in June will certainly pack up, because it is out of contract. Spanish instead is on loan from Chelsea two years and sell it will not be easy, unless in the summer we are not left sitting at a table with the English club and a team willing to take Torres. Because the dream is unattainable Jackson Martinez (the Port wants 35 million euro), Adriano Galliani would shift his attentions on the Right, which has a lower cost (about 20 million) in August and already had been tried by CEO milanista who had asked to Forte dei Marmi to ds Sabatini of Rome (the request, however, was 25 million and then jumped all over).

Friday 7 November 2014

AC Milan rediscovers the young talent Niang

A friendly is always friendly, with its rhythms, a style of football different competitive nastiness milder and desire to attack the opponent reduced to a minimum. Nevertheless, the Trofeo Berlusconi has become a great platform for some pieces. M'Baye Niang did not miss the opportunity to show off.

Desire and confidence - Deployed holder in the role of right wing of the three-pronged offensive, talent transalpine did not disappoint the expectations of Mr. Inzaghi, eager to observe certain answers on the green rectangle. The class 94 'responded to this, the author of a good performance against Argentina's San Lorenzo. The 19 Rossoneri, with 93 minutes passed under the lights of San Siro, has invented on the wing, a duet with fellow speed, dribbling and try to present more than once by the parties Leo Franco, able to thwart some good conclusions. A penalty kick well and hit a pole from a distance with a great shot from outside the area, the native of Meulan-en-Yveslines you gain so congratulations of teammates and the coach.

Internal solution - The challenge was to represent the Meazza for the former Caen the right entrance exam of the ownership for the months to come, the end result seemed satisfactory. Inzaghi's own admission, the Frenchman, from January, will become a resource for the offensive in Milan, an additional weapon, the internal solution to fill the gap left on the right presented by the Japanese Honda, star of the Cup Asia with the Japanese national team. M'Baye wanted to prove to be present, to be always available, always in status of -born ready- , ready to make his entrance on the playing field. Inzaghi, now, is a little more confident, aware also of the future potential of the boy.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Trofeo Berlusconi, report cards: Good Niang, Saponara and Pazzini

Abbiati: Qualche indecisione in interventi semplici, non rischia mai l’intervento a bloccare la palla, respingendo spesso di pugno. Ci si aspetta di più da un portiere con la sua esperienza. Voto 5.5. (Dal 46′ Agazzi: Operoso nel finale di gara, deviando sul palo un tiro di Barrientos. Per il resto, quasi mai impegnato.Voto 6)
Bonera: Si limita al compitino, si vede davvero molto poco. Voto 6. (Dal 46′ De Sciglio: meglio di Bonera, qualche azione offensiva, molto impegno. Voto 6)
Mexes: Torna a giocare dopo tanto tempo, c’è della ruggine da togliere, non si vede molto ma non commette errori. Voto 6. (Dal 62′ Albertazzi: Ordinaria amministrazione per l’ex veronese. Voto 6)
Rami: Volenteroso come sempre, lo si vede spesso in avanti, divorandosi però anche un gol. Voto 6,5.
Armero: Spinge poco, ci si aspettava di più da chi praticamente non ha mai giocato. Qualche retropassaggio pericoloso. Da rivedere. Voto 5.5
Van Ginkel: Non benissimo l’olandese: ordinaria amministrazione a centrocampo e un gol sbagliato. Poca fantasia, si può migliorare, ma solo giocando di più. Voto 5.5
Essien: Dirige il centrocampo sbagliando poco, anche da lui però ci si aspetta di più, soprattutto se davvero vuole conquistarsi un posto da titolare. Voto 6. (Dal 46′ Poli: Inizia l’azione del secondo gol e regala nel complesso una buona prova. Su Poli si può sempre contare. Voto 6)
Saponara: Una delle note liete del primo tempo, corre, lotta, sembra essere tornato. Suo anche l’assist per il gol di Pazzini, un bel grattacapo ora per Inzaghi. Riccardo c’è. Voto 6,5. (Dal 46′ Bonaventura: Il solito opportunista, unico negli inserimenti, l’arma in più di questo Milan. Davvero un acquisto azzeccato. Voto 6,5)
Niang: Davvero il migliore. Protagonista di quasi tutte le azioni del Milan, dimostra caparbietà e voglia di mettersi in mostra. Colpisce anche un palo, sfortunato ma tenace. Bella risposta a chi lo voleva in partenza a gennaio. Voto 7
Pazzini: Gol da attaccante vero, si è fatto trovare pronto in una dei pochi palloni giocabili. Il tocco da goleador c’è, un segnale per Inzaghi. Voto 6,5. (Dal 62′ Torres: Vicino al gol sul finale con una bell’azione personale, entra anche nell’azione del raddoppio. Sembra essere in miglioramento, ma si aspettano test più impegnativi.Voto 6)
El Shaarawy: La solita vivacità, soprattutto ad inizio ripresa. Niente di eccezionale comunque in una partita a bassi ritmi. Voto 6. (Dal 64′ Mastour: Mezz’ora in campo per il ragazzino, buoni spunti e un tiro da fuori area che per poco non entra in porta. Voto 6,5)
Inzaghi:  Niente di straordinario, novità solo nei nomi non nel modulo, sempre il 4-3-3. L’allenatore rossonero prova ad inserire gli scontenti e da qualcuno sembra aver avuto buone risposte, da Niang e Saponara su tutti. Pazzini si conferma il cecchino di sempre: verranno ora utilizzati questi tre che hanno dimostrato di poterci stare tra i titolari? Già a Marassi avremo le prime risposte. Voto 6

Wednesday 5 November 2014

"Milan District" is the new idea of Barbara Berlusconi for the New Stadium

Comes a new chance on the area on which to build the new stadium of Milan: Barbara Berlusconi, who after really wanted a new home for the club in Via Aldo Rossi would like to make a system property for the Rossoneri, would in fact thinking of building the stadium in front of Casa Milan, creating a "neighborhood Milan."

NEW IDEA - According to a report in La Gazzetta dello Sport, the idea was born in early October, when Lady B, looking out the window of his office at the headquarters AC Milan, he observed what remains of the old Milan Fair and thought it could be just the place on which to build the new stadium. The area in question, which is managed by Fiera Milan Spa, is very large: 45 thousand square meters of street and avenue Gattamelata Scarampo, this area has excellent infrastructure as, for example, is well connected to the metro and highways. In today's day, Barbara Berlusconi will meet with the manager of the Fiera Milano to advance its proposal to purchase and listen to their request for the transfer of that area.

NO EXPO AREA- AC Milan have then changed his mind on the area on which to build the new plant, thus abandoning the opportunity to take advantage of the area that will be free after the Expo next year after having expressed an interest, the Rossoneri has judged too expensive and so this space November 15, when it will close the call, there will be no packet Milan. The road to the new stadium is still very long (opening between 2019 and 2020), but the idea of ​​having a "AC Milan neighborhood" is having very favorable opinions via Aldo Rossi.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

We are looking You !!

Do you have a passion for writing and like to follow the AC Milan 24 hours 24? So what are you waiting collaborates with AC Milan-Tube!

We are looking for good people motivated and wants to prove himself. Those interested, write to us at
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At this time, we are looking for people who are willing, determination and time to work with us in turn, following the daily flow of news.

It involves a commitment of about 1 hour per day.
The work in question can be held safely at home.
At the moment there are no wages ..but with time we could offer fixed collaboration.

If you have any questions, suggestions or to advance their application, please write to:

Forza Milan!

The young playmaker Saponara convinces the coach Inzaghi

Hard to see some positive aspects when training built to aspire to top positions of the ranking is defeated by its pitch by a newly promoted; The imperative now is to stand up in view of the two crucial challenges with Sampdoria and Inter Milan - direct contenders for Europe -. Here then is the lackluster (to be generous) performance against Palermo tick in her destiny a little happy note: Riccardo Saponara. The number 8 AC Milan against Palermo's has collected the first few minutes of his vintage. Ever since he took office Filippo Inzaghi AC Milan coach has never failed to emphasize its estimate to the former Empoli and can even block firsthand the return on loan to Castellani's young midfielder.

ACCIDENT - Saponara had reciprocated the confidence of new coach playing a good pre-season - nothing to be amazed eyes; but still higher than the overall average performance of the summer Milan fans - yet another injury had again disrupted the stability in the run-up to the training of young Forli: knee surgery and a month and a half of sleep. Inzaghi did not forget, however, the opinions expenses on the player at the beginning and at the first opportunity to coach the experienced veteran like Essien and the young Dutchman Marco van Ginkel.

MODULE - Employee first in the classic trio of midfield with De Jong and blue poles, in the second half Richard was deployed as the median in front of the defense by providing a positive performance in both roles, surrounded by hints of quality play and not fall except elementary at a distance because of a condition still in deficit. The report cards on Monday of the major newspapers have recognized the merit saving it like the goalkeeper Diego Lopez of El Sharaawy from the debacle of the crew of Inzaghi. In 2013/14 Saponara collected only seven appearances, two as a starter; the first in the derby, lost one to zero last December, under the dictates of Max Allegri; the second victory in Genoa against Sampdoria this time led by Clarence Seedorf.

FUTURE - As I said earlier; the use of the historical and the immediate future cross: Inter and Sampdoria will be immediate and decisive steps on the road with AC Milan target third place. Saponara to be considered enrolled; captain Montolivo near the back. Two important and essential to the recovery time for the rose midfielders available to Inzaghi. Has not changed the match, but Riccardo has not wasted his time managing not to get out burned by the fall of the devil inside.

Monday 3 November 2014

Mister Inzaghi: "We must not delude ourselves and grow with the job "

On the match: "This is football, I said yesterday that Palermo was difficult to afrontare. We had not even started badly, then Palermo has been good, he deserved success. The growth also depends on the lots. The squared aha Datto everything he had. I am primarily responsible for this parttia, now roll up our mancihe because we have a difficult away match in Genoa, we look forward to being able to play and make up for this loss. "

On the defeat: "I knew that within a growth can go bad times, we'd probably all a bit 'deluded. I'm sorry for our audience, many teams are struggling. The Palermo deserved to win, let's compliments, now we have to start ".

On the season: "I expected it to be difficult to bring AC Milan to a certain level. We started very well, but other teams are struggling. We have changed a lot and sometimes we do not know to react when we go in. All of us will grow."

On the defense: "The defense is the most important, because we have players in front of the goal can find it. Defensively we have suffered, but when you suffer in defense means that the whole team does not work well. Then we had the misfortune of losing Alex then Zapata entered a cold and felt a little pain. I do not like to blame because the manager is the coach. I've done something wrong, I have to figure out what, but this team needs to be left alone. "

The change in the system of the game: "I've changed my system trying to put all the bits I had available. We may have suffered their third game in seven days. This team did very well until tonight, now we slipped a bit 'all' back, but in football it's easy to pick ourselves up. we'll have a great chance against Sampdoria which is before us. "

Honda-exchange Pazzini: "In hindsight they are all good. I thought it already was playing with two median, Saponara is a player with great technique and was part of for so long. Honda had always played. I was hoping that some mettessero Menez and El Shaarawy ball outside Pazzini and Torres. "

Objectives: "I never deluded, I know it is football and where we started. The feet on the ground I've ever had. I know it is difficult to reconstruct something great. The players have stumbled on a difficult day. at the end of the work will pay off. we should not kid ourselves, we have to grow every game. Tonight I am sorry that we have taken a step back from where we were, regardless of the third place. "

Sunday 2 November 2014

Filippo Inzaghi: Objective Third

The arrival of Pippo Inzaghi AC Milan coach in the summer Its main aim was to free the players from the negativity that plagued him for the closure of a disappointing season and raise hopes for next season. As highlighted by the BBC today, slowly the team's objectives have risen: the Milan of the first releases was a team transformed, that seemed to be rid of the negative ballast and thrown headfirst with enthusiasm and character in a new era. From 'do better than last year', the goal became 'hunting in Europe' and then again on the third posto.E 'was perhaps then that Milan has accused the early sufferings. We know the human psyche is fragile and over-loaded, players experienced a decline. Witness the latest releases with Fiorentina and Cagliari Milan has tried to manage and reflect on the match, but the truth is that it is still able to do so. Travel and aggression, so can only take home matches. Tonight against Palermo need this.

Saturday 1 November 2014

Jeremy Menez: "With AC Milan have two major objectives"

A model professional. So has proven Jeremy Menez, who last spoke at a press conference at the Expo Gate, part of an initiative to support the Milan Expo 2015. No moodiness, French has fully supported the decision to send him Inzaghi from the bench in the latest releases: "In the last sosta- Menez said, as reported by the Gazzetta dello Sport- stopped because of an injury fifteen days I lost enamel. They may seem few, but I assure you there are many. The first disappointed with my last games I am, if the team is not very well also blame myself. I'm doing everything to get back to baseline levels. It 'was just that he left the bench in Cagliari, are not physically at the top. But I want to get back with Palermo AC Milan to victory. "Menez then hopes to find the best physical condition as soon as possible because even remembers: "I ​​came here for two reasons: to be the strongest and return to AC Milan in Italy. In Milan, I am very well, and I think you see: I always smile. Also because I know the great potential of the team: with these players there is no option but to point to the third place. "The onus is now on Inzaghi in Palermo bench and field team?

Friday 31 October 2014

Baresi to Van Basten: "Happy Birthday the best"

"My best wishes to the largest, has given us so much joy. It 'was one of the best ever. We noticed right away how strong: fast, high, complete. Even as a person, as a professional, he was loved and remembered by all. He could give us many years of delicious football. I do not envy him the Ballon d'Or: I came in second, right. "These are the words of Franco Baresi issued to "Gazzetta dello Sport" with which wishes a happy birthday to Marco Van Basten favorite Rossoneri, who turns 50

Wednesday 29 October 2014

We need Stephan El Shaarawy's Goals

Last February 24 he marked an important and beautiful goal in a derby: a precise exterior touch , not at all simple, that pierced Handanovic. Then just one goal in the preliminaries of the Champions League against PSV. But in Italy the dark. Stephan El Shaarawy not scored in Serie A for 612 days. "Gazzetta dello Sport" section devoted to 92 Rossoneri, who stole the spotlight at two seasons ago, signing 14 goals in only the first round and by its continuity in the network one of its best qualities. Then from that derby, anything. There are several factors that have influenced this withdrawal goals: the first is called Mario Balotelli. El Shaarawy continues to deny, but the arrival of 45 stole the show and removed the space to shine italo Egyptian. Last year's bad luck and injuries have impacted heavily on vintage Stephan. 
Now, after three consecutive benches and anger manifested publicly, he returned to his time. Two games as a starter against Verona and Florence. Tonight against Cagliari should even touch him. And there's nothing better than a team of Zeman to release. Because it's just clarify one thing for a place in the Champions League, AC Milan also goes by the goal number 92.

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Nigel De Dong irreplaceable

The General in an army or an armed corps is the one who directs and administers everything about the people entrusted to him.

And Nigel De Jong, for all the General, it is, in football, a good example.

The Dutch, in fact, is the typical player all grit and charisma, a Gattuso-day so to speak. So hard, how generous. And AC Milan, since the General has entered into its ranks, it was carried away by a player who seems to really load on the whole team. Especially in trouble.

And that's what was missing at Milan. One who put his all for the team, for his teammates, for the shirt, for the fans. And this is a General, puts the face but work for others.

Players of this type are usually accompanied by the feet not very excellent, in fact, it is said that the grit will serve to compensate for technical deficiencies. For De Jong, in fact, until a few years ago, the fame was that. That's rough midfielder, most famous for the savage challenge on Xabi Alonso with his national team, rather than the memorable games.

Arrived quietly in Milan near the end of the summer market of 2012, as a waste of Manchester City, after a good start to the season, a serious injury affect the vintage. But the following year, good Nigel begins to take on AC Milan, having floated the midfield with Montolivo, when the rest of the team does not seem to cross a brilliant season. The goal in the derby is its predominant seal. And it is here that the General enters the heart of Milan fans and become the trademark of the player's ideal. All grit, power and personality.

This year, without Montolivo, the General is the absolute leader in the Rossoneri midfield. For him it all depends. His work to the sides of the opponent, his constant biting ankles, retrieve balls, and now set for his teammates, giving the feeling of a complete player, in the mature phase of his career right.

And last night's game at San Siro against Fiorentina, shows that Milan can not do without him. Of its General Assembly. Nigel fell from suspension. And fortunately returned. In the field there seemed to be only him. In all this action, each enemy attack stopped. And the goal. The quintessence of a great race.

What could be the Rossoneri midfield with another top player to give a hand to De Jong? And with that De Jong and Montolivo fit, will have to be able to get the Rossoneri?

For now, we can enjoy this great little Dutch general, all the strength and love for the shirt, hoping that many other small De Jong can still honor the Milan shirt. To get back to winning. To go back to Europe

Sunday 26 October 2014

Tonight examination Fiorentina

For  Filippo Inzaghi Milan is exam time. In the chair is the young Professor Vincenzo Montella, who knows how to reject the San Siro. A major challenge (though not decisive) for the journey in the Championship for the Rossoneri, who tonight will be able to stretch over Fiorentina in the standings (or to keep it, however, from a safe distance). A perspective certainly tempting, in the light of a race in third place crowded and more uncertain than ever.

GREAT CHANCE - A real question, then, for the hosts. First, because the three points - as evidenced by this morning the newspaper Tuttosport - proietterebbero the team on the podium (solo, ahead of Sampdoria, who yesterday drew at the Marassi against Roma), in a impronosticabile early in the season. Second, because, as mentioned, a successful further alienate the purple from the Champions League, reinforcing the belief and self-confidence of the players but also the entire environment Inzaghi AC Milan.

DOWN TO EARTH - But Fiorentina in the last three years has tripped Milan at home, is an opponent to be taken lightly. That's why the Rossoneri on a precise indication of their technical, they will keep your feet on the ground, avoiding certain mistakes or lapses in concentration. With the ability to take advantage of the more athletic freshness, because the guys are Montella commitment Cup on Thursday. In short, Goofy and his examination is ready, but be careful: the material in question is not easy.

Saturday 25 October 2014

Silvio Berlusconi is a Perfect Manager

A ninth visit to Milanello very special for Silvio Berlusconi: AC Milan yesterday, the president did not limit himself to greet the coach and the team, but he made the sports center the branch of Villa San Martino. As reported today by the BBC, in fact, Berlusconi met yesterday 10 managers from different companies to talk about 'investment in advertising and business prospects'. Arriving by car, Berlusconi has so entertained with her daughter Barbara, for the Rossoneri delegated to the commercial, for almost 45 minutes. Then he made a guide to the guests: presentation to the team and lunch served. In addition to the 10 managers were also two executives of Publitalia, the advertising of the Fininvest group: the agenda for the expansion of the brand 'Milan' to enlarge Fininvest in the editorial. And Inzaghi? In all this, the Rossoneri was presented as a manager of managers: Berlusconi then called to mind the words of his daughter Barbara on the opening day of Milan House, "Inzaghi is a fidelizzatore, an extraordinary promotional vehicle for 'shopping area. "

Friday 24 October 2014

Ignazio Abate has sworn to love the Rossoneri colors

Market news from England that relate to Milan. As reported by the British tabloid "Mirror", Liverpool have found in Italy, the heir of Glen Johnson, who in June goes out of contract. It is Ingnazio Abate, 27-year old right-back AC Milan at the start of the season with Inzgahi seems to have finally found. The Rossoneri really like the technical side Brendan Rodgers, so he would like to bring the player to Liverpool back in January.
Abate has sworn to love the Rossoneri colors, will therefore remain with us, to run on the right wing

Thursday 23 October 2014

Mattia De Sciglio wants to become AC Milan captain in the future

Mattia De Sciglio is often at the center of rumors that it would take in the sights of Real Mothers of Carlo Ancelotti, but the Rossoneri full-back has clear ideas about their future, as he explained to the BBC: "If I ever thought of going away? No, just in the spring I said that in today's football anything can happen. But they are one of the strongest clubs in the world and I hope that Milan come back to win like he did in the past. The rumors about Real? I am focused on Milan. If the rumors were true, I would certainly like; but I have other plans for the future: I'm taking the example of those experienced players who are in the locker room as Abbiati, Bonera and Montolivo, leader of this team. It would be an honor to become, one day, the captain of AC Milan. Who leads the band raises the cups? One more reason to wear it ... ". 
THE GROUP - De Sciglio wants to continue to be a player at AC Milan, where this summer's Filippo Inzaghi on the bench: "He worked on the group and unity of the team, which last year was missing: if there is union off the field, then the results are also in the game - said the Rossoneri's number 2 -. Its main quality? Send Your enthusiasm. He asks us to commitment and availability, but it is more permissive than they would have us believe: Because I was a player, knows our needs. "

Wednesday 22 October 2014

The real El Shaarawy

He had all eyes on him, the media and fans, but Stephan El Shaarawy in Verona did not disappoint. On the contrary. The Pharaoh Rossoneri's own admission of the boy, he could vent on the ground of Bentegodi all the feelings that bubbled for a few weeks, providing a complete performance. So much to talk too pissed off Friday's pre Hellas.

The match against Chievo - Eager to repay the faith of coach Inzaghi, AC Milan for 92 runs, chasing opponents, helps in folding, lends a hand to Essien, retrieve balls, try dribbling, looking on goal and an assist gives sparkling with Honda. Hard to make it better than that. 76 'minutes intense, no-nonsense, well-focused fearsome guys Mandorlini, the native of Savona leave criticism behind him and lights up in every area of the field in phase 3 trial defensive tackle snatching the ball once in the control room touches 36 balls sorting 27 steps with an accuracy of 92.6% and in propensity offensive, leaving the stroke that sends the Japanese network, ends 2 dribbles, shoots towards the goal of Rafael and complete 3 long balls on 3 Hints of true El Shaarawy, glimpses of the boy with the easy smile and the crest was amazed Italy football.

Goal Fiorentina - Assist winning, mileage on the wing, 3 goals scored by his companions and torn by so many points Fortino Bentegodi, the trip to Verona is already the past. With a full week without cups, the work, the former Genoa can already point the viewfinder toward the team of Vincenzo Montella, from 3 consecutive years mistress at the San Siro. In a possible hint of training for Sunday's game, the Pharaoh's advancing force with his candidacy all'undici holder in a department full of certainties. The starting point is the trident so adored by Super Pippo: on the right there are a few threads, Honda in the state of grace is untouchable; to the left, El Shaarawy in growth could be confirmed again, backing Bonaventure in median and embracing affection of the public at the Meazza; the only doubt remains in the middle, Torres or Menez will play the role until the end of the spindle. Stephan, meanwhile, is committed to Milanello and sweat, eyes and head already at Fiorentina.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Inzaghi changed AC Milan in 80 days

What has changed in the last 80 days from the American tour up to the challenge with the Verona on Sunday, the highest point of the experience of AC Milan Inzaghi, as the coach himself has called "the best game of the season." In America it was difficult to score, was not created much; in the league, however, the offensive phase is the flagship of Milan. In the rossoneri is the top scorer in Serie A, Keisuke Honda, and also have the best attack in the league. In addition, many individual who toiled in America have grown: Menez, Alex and Essien. Especially the French, who found a suitable role for him, or false striker or attacking midfielder behind the tip.

Then there's the added value which is called Pippo Inzaghi. The Rossoneri coach has managed to make the glue between the team members, infecting everyone with his enthusiasm, his desire to win and his office. Clearly, then, there are also some things to improve, as the defensive phase, in which Milan still gives too much, and the construction of the game when the other teams close. But the road taken is the right one.

Monday 20 October 2014

The Magic KeisuKe HonDa

Not even the most optimistic could imagine a start to the season so Keisuke Honda, especially if one remembers the player's seen in his first six months in Milan. The Japanese, who yesterday scored his first two goals in the Rossoneri shirt, it has turned to be a great mystery driver and undisputed leader of the team of Inzaghi.

HONDA GOLEADOR - As pointed out this morning Tuttosport, Honda had never scored in six career goals in the first seven games: the previous record dates back to when militant in Venlo, when he scored five goals in the first seven rounds of the Dutch league. Yesterday afternoon, the Milan was engaged on a difficult pitch, but brought home three important points for the standings thanks to a brace of his Samurai: "I knew it was a difficult Verona for Milan, have contributed to this victory makes me even happier. "

THAT COLDNESS - With these two goals, Honda is at the top of the Serie A top scorer with six goals along with 6 Tevez Juventus and Napoli Callejon. Compared to last year, the number 10 AC Milan is proving to be in a great physical condition, as evidenced by even the greatest coolness and clarity when you find yourself face to face with the goalkeepers opponents: "I got two assists extraordinary - says the Japanese in post-match Verona-Milan -. In one on one with the keeper are not too good. I usually think too much, even with Jamaica had failed. This time instead I played fattola easier, I tried the hallway and I did goals. "Filippo Inzaghi and Milan fans can then enjoy the new Honda striker, who now also want to point to the primacy of personal goals in a season (16 goals scored in Japan).

Sunday 19 October 2014

Back to Pharaoh El Shaarawy!

The probable lineups according to the Gazzetta dello Sport Milan-Verona, the challenge today at Bentegodi sees two teams without a 11-point deal key in Europe. In Milan out De Jong, replaced by Essien. Menez on the bench, there are El Shaarawy and Torres.

Filippo Inzaghi: "Fernando Torres Is Ready to Play a big match"

Certainly no shortage of networks in this first weblog Milan Pippo Inzaghi, who has signed with 13 goals and is the second best attack in the league. What is missing, however, the real Torres. 'El Nino', since he arrived, gave one good performance, one against Empoli, which also went into the goal. Today will be re-deployed holder, despite the lackluster performance of the last game.

In Milan, the Rossoneri side, they all have confidence in the Spaniard, who now has the opportunity to re-launch and prove his worth. After two weeks spent training at Milanello, Inzaghi is again ready to give him confidence. "The inclusion of Torres continues getting better. Initially, he had ankle problems, but despite that has given so much to the team, "words which testify of how the Rossoneri want to give more opportunity to the Spanish.

Especially because Inzaghi know what is the weight of a striker and knows the psychological condition that involves the role. Just a little to get excited and even depressed. And if today ended Torres on the bench, the rejection would be solemn. Thus, the Rossoneri coach is not going to discourage it even more. In fact, he swears on his account: "Now you are well trained and ready." Reporting the news is the Gazzetta dello Sport on newsstands today.

Friday 17 October 2014

Fernando Torres: "Milan I like it, it's great. Could I get here in 2001"

After the departure of Mario Balotelli, Milan has had to look for a new first point and eventually decided to focus on Fernando Torres. The Spanish striker arrived at Milanello from Chelsea, where for a long time things were not going over well: "I ​​had decided to walk away from Chelsea - El Nino told with the Corriere della Sera -. A Mourinho was linked by a relationship of respect, but the company had bought a new striker. With the coach had spoken often about my future, he wanted me to stay in London. But I really needed a new stimulus for my career. "

OBJECTIVE EUROPE - In the long interview with the Milan daily, Torres explained that the decisive day for its passage in the Rossoneri was August 25: "That day I received a phone call from Milan. I was presented with the offer I was waiting. I was at a particular time in my professional life. I needed a change and I was aiming to find a team that would guarantee me the starting spot. I had other opportunities, but I chose Milan because it has proven to really want me. The Champions League? The company is experiencing a situation that was not used. For me it will be a greater incentive to help Milan return to where it deserves. "

WANT TO WIN - It was not however the first time that Milan had targeted Torres: "The first time that you spoke of this event was the 2001-2002 season - has revealed the Spaniard -. A time between AC Milan and Atletico Madrid were done many exchanges of players: Albertini, Coloccini, Contra. It was a different era and Atletico had no intention to let me. It would have been nice to play in AC Milan beat Barcelona 4-0 in the final of the Champions League or in that of Shevchenko. This is another team: now you struggle to return to Europe. "El Nino has also talked about his new coach, Filippo Inzaghi: "I do not care the only department of attack, driving the whole group. Can give me some valuable advice on the movements in the area. I do not believe that to become a great coach is required to have been a football player said. We say that is an extra. I like Goofy? I do not liken it to Inzaghi or anyone else, each has its own story. I'm here to win and to remain for many years. Goals, achievements, and titles are my goals. If I win only half of what I'm glad he won ... substitutions? Be removed from the field does not like me as any player. I have no problem with Inzaghi or the coaching staff but I want to stay on the field ninety minutes. "

Thursday 16 October 2014

Mister Inzaghi bets on Stephan El Shaarawy

Stephan ElShaarawy
After stopping for the commitments of the National, approaching more and more the resumption of Serie A on Sunday afternoon at 15, Milan will be engaged in the field of Verona, in a match it promises to be very complicated and not only for the strength of 'opponent that has the same ranking points for the Rossoneri (11). Mr. Filippo Inzaghi will have to give up players like de Jong and probably Menez, who yesterday was trained separately and is in serious doubt for the challenge of Bentegodi. 

POSITIVE ATTITUDE - With the absence of the French, SuperPippo is planning to propose the first minute Stephan El Shaarawy, which comes with three benches in a row against Empoli, Cesena and Chievo: as reported by La Gazzetta dello Sport, in this international break, the 'AC Milan striker is training hard and with great determination in order to find his best form. Inzaghi, as he often said, he has great esteem in the Pharaoh and would deploy more, but in his Milan who is playing better after an ankle injury and the condition of El Shaarawy was not the best. When he came on in the second half against Chievo, AC Milan player, however, has put on display a very positive attitude and this bodes well for the upcoming matches. 

FITNESS TRAINING - According to the Rosea, in the latter match, she felt very lack of Pharaoh, which can add two very important things to maneuver milanista: First, thanks to its speed, El Shaarawy is very unpredictable and with its dribbling can embarrass defenses opponent at all times. The second value added in the number 92 Rossoneri is the precision of the shot, as he exploited a little this season. All the fans have still see the first part of the 2012-2013 season, when El Shaarawy scored a volley and dragged Milan out of the crisis of the early days of the championship. The hope in Via Aldo Rossi and Milanello is to review that soon Pharaoh.

Brocchi wants win the Derby Milan-Inter of Young

The big day has finally arrived. The sentitissimo derby between AC Milan and Inter, valid for the sixth day of the championship Primavera Tim, will be held Sunday at 11 am, in the postponement, at the center court of the Centro Sportivo Vismara. Inter controls the group with maximum points, AC Milan won all but two races in the least. It will be a major shock to establish hierarchies. The match will be broadcast live on Rai Sport. The editors of Planet Milan will offer live text of the race.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

El Shaarawy wants recover ACMilan: The Real Madrid wants him in January

The  estimators for El Shaarawy not lacking, indeed. Pending its rebirth with the Rossoneri, the Pharaoh is coveted by top European clubs, four in particular: Real Madrid, Arsenal, Liverpool and Manchester United.

It is not excluded that a bid for 20 million could topple the leadership of Milan, so that we can fund the market in other areas of the team that seem still struggling.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Inzaghi to ACMTube: "We are working in a good way, we need to grow, it takes commitment"

First workout of the week for the Rossoneri of Mr. Filippo Inzaghi who are now beginning to prepare for the next match of the Championship against Verona, scheduled for Sunday, October 19 at 15:00 Bentegodi stadium.

The session began at 15.00 in the overgrown field where the team has carried out a series of heating and floor exercises to strengthen before moving on to an exercise, with the use of high hurdles, mobility and sull'articolarità.

At the end of this first phase, the team moved to the lowered pitch where it is divided into 2 groups. The first, consisting of Abate, Pazzini and Niang, played a series of extensions, while the second, in which there were ancheSaponara and Bonaventura, has dedicated itself to changes of pace.

Later, Alex, Pazzini, Torres, Rami and Mexes have undertaken a series of 100-meter stretch with increase in speed over the last 30 to Abate, Mastour, El Shaarawy, Zaccardo, Niang Bonera and stretch over 100 meters, plus a further 50 meters with speed increase.

Bonaventura, Saponara, Essien and Muntari played instead keeps increasing distance race on the athletics track that surrounds the central field of the sports center of Milanello.

Tomorrow planned double training session, at 11.00 in the morning and in the afternoon at 15.00.

Monday 13 October 2014

Riccardo Saponara: "Now i'm ready to Verona. Inzaghi trust in me"

Milan Channel interviewed today before training Riccardo Saponara, here are some statements made by the player. The full interview will air tonight at 19:

About the infortunio- "The dynamics of the accident was bad enough. I first of all I was very scared and also my fellow students and staff. Dr.. Tavana had suffered denoted the stability of the ligaments, so I was reassured. Subsequent examinations have confirmed this diagnosis and fortunately it was something milder than expected. I've done a good stint in rehab and now I'm ready to start again.
I was very sorry not to be there at Empoli and Cesena. Empoli in particular has been my home for years and I have friends against Cesena which I would have liked to play. I have to look forward, think about Verona and have a good week of training to convince the coach to summon me. "

Inzaghi- "The words of the coach gave me pleasure. In situations where maybe there was talk of others, mister Inzaghi was always my name. I was very pleased especially when I was able to train at home without stop. All this has given me great confidence. In Verona we expect a difficult game because they are a tough team to deal with. If we express our football we can definitely bring home the three points. "

President Silvio Berlusconi "Fans should rest assured, you will soon be back bigger"

Among the many topics covered in the interview today with Silvio Berlusconi to Gazzetta dello Sport, one of Filippo Inzaghi has been among the most important, these are the words of the number 1 on his Rossoneri coach: "To him a full 8. We are at the beginning of the process of reconstruction, we are organizing the game. Inzaghi has already demonstrated to possess humility, respect for others, the ability to motivate are essential to its role. Today, it is too early to give a vote to the team. It could be a 7 encouragement, a 7 as the number of Menez. "

Sunday 12 October 2014

Inzaghi fixed goals: "It 'a Milan from Europe, large back soon"

Six days are enough to get an idea: it is an AC Milan from third to fourth from fifth or more down? 

It 'a Milan from Europe, because Milan can not stay out of Europe. So we must first do better than last year and then gain the qualification in a cup. We will see what will be. After the next stop we will make a new budget: for now we are satisfied knowing that we have to improve a lot.

You can be competitive without spending much? 

Excites me to know that the company is going through a particular and that I can work to help her. I am fortunate to lead a team that I love. I hope to have time to work quietly to restore Milan to usual levels. I am ambitious, will be back soon in alto.Presto also grow self-esteem of boys: it takes the right time to store and process it all.

His feeling with all corporate components is an adhesive important 

There is great unity of purpose between me, Silvio Berlusconi, Barbara Berlusconi and Adriano Galliani. After draws against Empoli and Cesena president gathered to congratulate the team for the game and desire: a very important signal for all.

Friday 10 October 2014

Mister Inzaghi teaches how to make goals to Torres and Pazzini

AC Milan arrives at the sixth day, to pause for the national loot is good with: 11 points, fifth place that gives sigh Europe and the best offense in cohabitation with the battleship Juventus. They are even the 13 goals scored by the team AC Milan, a goal almost unthinkable at the beginning of the season between doubts and misgivings. But something still does not come back, the tips (the role) mark and little Inzaghi, at Milanello, he decided to work on it.

Tips longer present - With an average of more than two networks to challenge the club via Aldo Rossi can boast the division's most prolific Serie A, but if the complex turns to a thousand, by analyzing the individual notice how the only two true peaks in pink comes from a single marking. The acute Torres at Empoli remains the only goal signed by the attackers at the start of the season, something that makes you think deeply mister Inzaghi. The center forward, in the form of Super Pippo, must be able to commit the penalty area, to be ready for the cross of fullbacks and outside at the same time being able to throw deep mates and be able to duet with them. A true all-rounder offensive, crucial in the precise mechanisms of both the 4-3-3 that the 4-2-3-1. Movements for the exterior, vision and presence in front of goal, Torres and Pazzini called to fill the following roles.

Specific job - With the championship in break and pressures of the match put on ice, there is time for the Rossoneri coach to work with their human resources, studying and filing the best details, movements and tactical situations. With the national working in the various trips away from Milanello, the former number nine has long been able to educate and shape its current nines Torres and Pazzini, spending a lot of time alone with them. During the day the sports center in Carnforth, the coach is dedicated to the hurtful situations with the duo Italo-Iberian, several times called on to repeat the same movement to attack the area after a cross from the back or from the outside on the wing. A specific job, attentive and focused, aimed at improving the numbers and refine the ability to scare the enemy rearguard. El Niño and the Mad warm up the engines and move from prey in front of goal, who else but Super Pippo can teach them certain situations. With still many days and sitting in front, the goal is clear: to show on the field, from Verona, the progress observed.

Standard & Poor's: ACMilan is 35° and Inter is junk

From finance to football. The world economy looks to the ball well and Standard & Poor's, the rating agency world, examined 44 club, ordering them to financial stability. The Italian teams do not come off very well.

Three parameters taken into account: quality and prudence in the management, solvency and liquidity. All accompanied by sales and borrowing. Formations taken for examination, there are no Real Madrid and Barcelona to insufficient information.

Ratings ranging from triple A to triple D, the latter level that you define in finance funk, junk. Inter fall into this batch of just three teams, along with Lens and Tenerife. In the overall ranking is 43rd, punultima.

Before the Italian Fiorentina, 14th. Then Lazio (15) and Juventus (16). Milan is the 35th, the 37th Rome. The analysis must be rebuilt, however, and in-depth: the presence at the 23rd place of Siena, the bankrupt company last year, was avoided, writes today that the Corriere della Sera reports the study of Standard & Poor's

Thursday 9 October 2014

AcMilan dreams Sami Khedira...

The rumor is already out in the past few hours, but this morning reiterates the Tuttosport: AC Milan would in fact be on the trail of Sami Khedira, Real Madrid midfielder out of contract in 2015 The 27 year-old German, who should not renew with the Blancos, could then be released in the summer free and Adriano Galliani is trying to finalize a new big hit on a free transfer after Honda, and Alex Menez.

GREAT COMPETITION - Khedira, currently the pits for a muscle injury, is likely to find little space in this season in Ancelotti's team and this could even ask to be transferred as early as January, even if the coach of Real Madrid would like to keep up to May. The operation is not easy for several reasons, first and foremost for the great competition from other clubs, including Arsenal (England there are rumors that there is already an agreement between the Gunners and the player).

THE ALTERNATIVE - Another obstacle is represented from the assignment of high Khedira: the German midfielder fact perceived at Real Madrid 5 million Euros per season, a figure too high for the red and black boxes. Dreaming does not cost anything however via Aldo Rossi and thus remain at the window, waiting to see if the conditions are right to try to close this deal, which could be facilitated by the excellent relations between Adriano Galliani and the president of the Spanish Florentino Perez. Also according to Tuttosport, Milan to the alternatives Khedira are not lacking however: the other names that you make for the AC Milan midfield are Kuck and Cigarini, two players who enjoy some time at the club via Aldo Rossi.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Happy Birthday Nelson Dida

Born October 7, 1973, Nelson Dida will be today 41 years old. The Brazilian goalkeeper, who defended the port of Milan until 2010, with the Rossoneri won 2 Champions League, Scudetto 1, 2 European Super Cups, 1 Italian Cup, one Italian Super Cup, 1 World Club.
Rossoneri fans remember him especially for the final against Juventus, Manchester, where he parried 3 penalties.
Happy Birthday panther!

Keisuke Honda is making the leap, He is a great player

Giovanni Lodetti, guess this morning at Studio Milan program, wanted to analyze the development of Keisuke Honda. He express this words about the Japanese "Honda has always had quality, this year just feels the confidence of all. Takes responsibility, moves, changes roles and nobody says anything because it feels safe and comfortable with himself, is a really smart guy. feels a little tension and nervousness, it has an incredible coldness and on Saturday it showed. he needed to have the team behind last year never passed it to him and now he goes to look for the ball, claims between the feet, creating the game, and that the action is vital. improve it? i think the great agreement with Abbot was crucial that the right wing with their work very well. pity for the Asian Cup, not we'll have it for a month, 5-6 games. "

Monday 6 October 2014

Bonaventura: happy for the call-up. The milan can grow

"I'm happy to call in the National, we started well and then I'm really happy to be here. I'll try to do my best, so far everything is going well and I will try to continue like this. I found that Milan? It 'a great team with great players, so many are new, well I have just arrived. You have to work so much, to know more and try to do better, because I am convinced that we can still improve. "These are the words of Giacomo Bonaventura, the last shot of the Milan market, issued to Sky Sports Florence Station. The player has been called up to the national Contem and was heading Coverciano.

Sunday 5 October 2014

Riccardo Montolivo recovers: he wants to play in the derby

The light at the end of the tunnel begins to dawn. Riccardo Montolivo is continuing on its path of recovery from the bad injury sustained last May 31 against Ireland that has blown the world. The calcification of the bone is going on but, in these cases, the caution is never too much but the Rossoneri captain, last night, it seemed upbeat and motivated and, in his heart, he can not wait to be back available because after four months on the sidelines, the desire to take the field is so great.

OBJECTIVE DERBY - If everything goes for the best, Montolivo will have to try to get to equal the condition of his companions in the shortest possible time. The desire to return to run and work hard together with the other players will surely be an important stimulus for him who has in his sights the convening of the next derby on 23 November. Then it will be crucial for him the call of the preparation in the withdrawal of Dubai and then set off, with the engine at full throttle, the month of January.

Saturday 4 October 2014

Giacomo Bonaventura, new star

Giacomo Bonaventura, buying last minute of the last market Rossoneri, has already convinced everyone. Former Atalanta, this morning writes newspaper Tuttosport, is a real wild card available to Mr. Filippo Inzaghi, who can use it in multiple roles and positions (both in the 4-2-3-1 4-3-3), in according to the needs or requirements. A good player for any eventuality, therefore, always on the piece and ready to give his contribution in terms of quality and quantity.

IN MEDIAN - This evening, in the match against Chievo at the San Siro, Jack will start from the first minute. Not from outside the three-pronged offensive nor attacking midfielder, central midfielder, but rather by. Inzaghi has never hidden its intention to withdraw Bonaventura on the line of midfielders, to (re) to enamel and geometries in a department often flat and lacking in ideas. The process of transformation, therefore, is completed and tonight the number twenty-eight Rossoneri will begin his new life as a median. Will certainly have a way to get back on the frontline, but its future is there, in the middle of the field, at least in the imagination of Milan and his coach.

BASIC - Bonaventure has become a staple of the new Milan inzaghiano. He gained a lot of positions in the hierarchies of technical, past illustrious companions, as Stephan El Shaarawy, for example. The constant efficiency has allowed him to gain the trust of the environment. Its flexibility and ability to adapt to any game situation, then, did the rest. Now Jack, as mentioned, is a holder, a key player for the balance of the team. Mates adore him, as well as the fans and the Goofy, who dotes on him. In short, the adventure of Mr. Bonaventura could not have started any better.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Mattia De Sciglio grows like Paolo Maldini

Mattia takes a hit - A start and unconvincing performance from standard, had dragged the number 2 AC Milan at the center of criticism from fans. Often clumsy and easily with the ball past defensive retreat by the opponents, the class 92 'seemed to be the protagonist of an unexpected and undesirable regression technique. The native of Milan, collected the confidence of Mr. Inzaghi: "I feel comfortable with him, just give it time," he repaid the Manuzzi, not betraying their own technical, showing encouraging signs of recovery. Quick sull'out left-handed duets with Jack and high guard near the area of defense. Message sent: Mattia resource for the rose.

The Milan with the stellar attack

It 'a Milan that runs from midfield up. E 'together with Inter the best attack in the league, with 11 goals scored in 5 games. Since Milan president Silvio Berlusconi is, as he writes "Tuttosport" on newsstands today, the Rossoneri with these numbers are always qualified in the Champions League. From the time of Carlo Ancelotti's AC Milan was not as productive in front of goal: scored 11 goals in 2003-04, as now, and in the end won the Scudetto. The others are earlier in the 2002-03 season, 14 goals and third place at the end of the season; 2001-02, 12 goals and fourth-place finish; 1999-00 14 goals and third place; '92 '93 Even 20 goals in 5 days and badge stitched on the chest.

Tuesday 30 September 2014

He was right: fly down and hard work

In the week prior to Milan-Juventus, thanks to the enthusiasm for the two-game winning streak at home Rossoneri hovered an air of the summit, an air that you breathe for so long. Filippo Inzaghi has repeatedly restrained enthusiasm, trying not to feed excessive flights of fancy, aware of the capabilities of pink but also the distance with the big. After the defeat against Juventus came two draws against Empoli and Cesena, races, regardless of the outcome, have highlighted the problems previously overshadowed by the victories.

STEP BY STEP - Instead of talking about third place in the Rossoneri's home you should think about this, trying to improve step by step during the season. All work and thoughts to the next game. Gain the qualification to the Champions League would be a minor miracle, so best to aim slightly lower then not risk being burned. Reaching the Europa League would be a good result for a team that needs to find himself slowly starting to accumulate even new certainties Europe.