
Sunday 5 October 2014

Riccardo Montolivo recovers: he wants to play in the derby

The light at the end of the tunnel begins to dawn. Riccardo Montolivo is continuing on its path of recovery from the bad injury sustained last May 31 against Ireland that has blown the world. The calcification of the bone is going on but, in these cases, the caution is never too much but the Rossoneri captain, last night, it seemed upbeat and motivated and, in his heart, he can not wait to be back available because after four months on the sidelines, the desire to take the field is so great.

OBJECTIVE DERBY - If everything goes for the best, Montolivo will have to try to get to equal the condition of his companions in the shortest possible time. The desire to return to run and work hard together with the other players will surely be an important stimulus for him who has in his sights the convening of the next derby on 23 November. Then it will be crucial for him the call of the preparation in the withdrawal of Dubai and then set off, with the engine at full throttle, the month of January.

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