
Sunday 26 October 2014

Tonight examination Fiorentina

For  Filippo Inzaghi Milan is exam time. In the chair is the young Professor Vincenzo Montella, who knows how to reject the San Siro. A major challenge (though not decisive) for the journey in the Championship for the Rossoneri, who tonight will be able to stretch over Fiorentina in the standings (or to keep it, however, from a safe distance). A perspective certainly tempting, in the light of a race in third place crowded and more uncertain than ever.

GREAT CHANCE - A real question, then, for the hosts. First, because the three points - as evidenced by this morning the newspaper Tuttosport - proietterebbero the team on the podium (solo, ahead of Sampdoria, who yesterday drew at the Marassi against Roma), in a impronosticabile early in the season. Second, because, as mentioned, a successful further alienate the purple from the Champions League, reinforcing the belief and self-confidence of the players but also the entire environment Inzaghi AC Milan.

DOWN TO EARTH - But Fiorentina in the last three years has tripped Milan at home, is an opponent to be taken lightly. That's why the Rossoneri on a precise indication of their technical, they will keep your feet on the ground, avoiding certain mistakes or lapses in concentration. With the ability to take advantage of the more athletic freshness, because the guys are Montella commitment Cup on Thursday. In short, Goofy and his examination is ready, but be careful: the material in question is not easy.

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