
Friday 10 October 2014

Standard & Poor's: ACMilan is 35° and Inter is junk

From finance to football. The world economy looks to the ball well and Standard & Poor's, the rating agency world, examined 44 club, ordering them to financial stability. The Italian teams do not come off very well.

Three parameters taken into account: quality and prudence in the management, solvency and liquidity. All accompanied by sales and borrowing. Formations taken for examination, there are no Real Madrid and Barcelona to insufficient information.

Ratings ranging from triple A to triple D, the latter level that you define in finance funk, junk. Inter fall into this batch of just three teams, along with Lens and Tenerife. In the overall ranking is 43rd, punultima.

Before the Italian Fiorentina, 14th. Then Lazio (15) and Juventus (16). Milan is the 35th, the 37th Rome. The analysis must be rebuilt, however, and in-depth: the presence at the 23rd place of Siena, the bankrupt company last year, was avoided, writes today that the Corriere della Sera reports the study of Standard & Poor's

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