
Saturday 25 October 2014

Silvio Berlusconi is a Perfect Manager

A ninth visit to Milanello very special for Silvio Berlusconi: AC Milan yesterday, the president did not limit himself to greet the coach and the team, but he made the sports center the branch of Villa San Martino. As reported today by the BBC, in fact, Berlusconi met yesterday 10 managers from different companies to talk about 'investment in advertising and business prospects'. Arriving by car, Berlusconi has so entertained with her daughter Barbara, for the Rossoneri delegated to the commercial, for almost 45 minutes. Then he made a guide to the guests: presentation to the team and lunch served. In addition to the 10 managers were also two executives of Publitalia, the advertising of the Fininvest group: the agenda for the expansion of the brand 'Milan' to enlarge Fininvest in the editorial. And Inzaghi? In all this, the Rossoneri was presented as a manager of managers: Berlusconi then called to mind the words of his daughter Barbara on the opening day of Milan House, "Inzaghi is a fidelizzatore, an extraordinary promotional vehicle for 'shopping area. "

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