
Sunday 12 October 2014

Inzaghi fixed goals: "It 'a Milan from Europe, large back soon"

Six days are enough to get an idea: it is an AC Milan from third to fourth from fifth or more down? 

It 'a Milan from Europe, because Milan can not stay out of Europe. So we must first do better than last year and then gain the qualification in a cup. We will see what will be. After the next stop we will make a new budget: for now we are satisfied knowing that we have to improve a lot.

You can be competitive without spending much? 

Excites me to know that the company is going through a particular and that I can work to help her. I am fortunate to lead a team that I love. I hope to have time to work quietly to restore Milan to usual levels. I am ambitious, will be back soon in alto.Presto also grow self-esteem of boys: it takes the right time to store and process it all.

His feeling with all corporate components is an adhesive important 

There is great unity of purpose between me, Silvio Berlusconi, Barbara Berlusconi and Adriano Galliani. After draws against Empoli and Cesena president gathered to congratulate the team for the game and desire: a very important signal for all.

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