
Monday 15 December 2014

Milan show: the third place is close ..

A Milan active and roaring like a lion in a cage, a Naples passive and full of imperfections.
 The synthesis of the attitude of the two teams on the field yesterday led to a deserved success for the Rossoneri, a return to victory in front of a friendly audience that knows reconciliation between Inzaghi and its people, although now urgent to find the continuity of pace. 
As reported today the Gazzetta dello Sport, AC Milan has given a lesson to Benitez and his men from the beginning, immediately downhill thanks to yet another incredible goal of Menez, able to leap property Koulibaly and deposit in the network '1-0. Sol sometimes Napoli gave the impression of being able to hurt and to forge in the Rossoneri siege in their own half, but no fruitful results given the bad day of Higuain and Callejon and imprecision of midfielders. 
The doubling comes in the second half with the irrepressible Bonaventura, left alone in the area of cross Armero and author of a benefit once again perfect for dynamism and sacrifice. A 2-0 that raises the ambitions of Milan, as he had said Berlusconi at Milanello Friday: this team is ready to get to the third place, that accomplice stops of Genoa and Sampdoria, becomes very close.

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