
Sunday 27 October 2013

Left the crest: The New Balotelli starts from "Milanello Pact"

After the decision to leave the villa of Limido Como and Milan to look for a house to be closer to his companions and the renunciation of Ferrari , Mario Balotelli continues in his personal makeover , leaving the now famous crest . As reported in today's edition of La Gazzetta dello Sport, yesterday, after lunch, the attacker has met the managing director Adriano Galliani , along with his agent , Mino Raiola , and both promised that will change the registry. In short , a real turning his life, a sort of pact that the player , whatever the cost , required to comply with certain avoiding relapse. And to give the first tangible sign of this radical change , at the end of the summit has decided to shave the ridge , sporting a smooth but more composed bald . Gone are also diamond earrings , which in recent years had characterized his eccentric look , from a rebel . This line has given the green light by the same Galliani , who apparently also acts as a guarantor in the eyes of coach Max Allegri . In this new phase will also have an important role in the companion of Balo , Fanny Neguesha : in the expectations of family, his entourage and the whole environment Rossoneri will have to help Mario to have no more distractions or alibi.

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