
Saturday 5 October 2013

Juventus-AcMilan: It takes the right attitude.

 The confirmation of the module with Montolivo playmaker presaged a race behavior similar to that of Amsterdam, with AC Milan , Juventus addicted to wait and attack the ball carrier . The coach of Livorno gives the following statements , perhaps trying to deflect from what will be the modus operandi of his " marking on Pirlo and Bonucci ? We let them play both of them, so there will be more entertainment. Andrea is doing great things again this ' year , we will leave them both free . " It should be noted that the marking to man on the combination of Pirlo - Bonucci , at least in this part of the season , was one of the keys to embarrass Juventus, systematically adopted by its rivals . Looks complicated that Allegri decides to leave too much space to the two Juventus playmaker , also saw the game system with four midfielders and two strikers . The coach spoke of the Tuscan race different from the one played in the Netherlands : probable that the coach wants a different attitude, more confident and less passive, but the leitmotif will not deviate too much from the last performance Rossoneri . Much will depend on the attitude of the attackers , especially that of Robinho , called to serve as a link in a more incisive : Amsterdam ArenA , in a first time submissive and poor construction , the Brazilian hit a few balls , when on the contrary would had to do a job of linking and constant pressure .

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