
Friday 22 November 2013

The negotiations were concluded, the new AcMilan of Lady B was born

Officially, there is nothing certain , but now the rumors can no longer be withheld , the management framework for Milan weblog Lady B is complete. How many times we have read and heard on the role of general dirittore will be up to Demetrio Albertini, the technical director instead Paolo Maldini has reached an agreement in an interview with Barbara Berlusconi took place a few days ago . For the role of coach there seems no doubt that it will be Clarence Seedorf who seems to have even signed a pre-contract , the only box left empty seems to be the director of sports for which , however , after the rejection of Pradè , seems to have reached an agreement with Leonardi who had accepted as confirmed by the words of the President of Parma Ghirardi , who recently said that the ruling will not deter Emilia in the event that they receive relevant offers . And  therefore completed the picture of the Milan management that will , even if the official must wait another few months .

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