
Thursday 2 June 2016

Paolo Maldini: "I don't like this Milan. I don't going back "

Paolo Maldini: In the aftermath of the words of Silvio Berlusconi, who had reported that the historian 3 Rossoneri had opted for other projects in America and therefore had no time for Milan, this is the former Rossoneri captain response. On the possibility of a sale of the club to the Chinese, said: "New property? Absurd to think of it, it has been discussed for years about this and even here things are not clear. Berlusconi, who want a world of good, knows me well, knows how I am and appreciate me. They make their own judgments, I mine. If they are available? Within this society no, because we have different opinions. My life is great without football, I have time for myself and I can do what I want. For now I keep this lifestyle, but I could only change to something exciting in football. "
Berlusconi recently reported that even if the Chinese from acquiring a majority, he would always be in command remained president for the next three years. But Maldini reports: "Putting myself in the shoes of the alleged investors: if I mettessi on the plate 700 million to buy the company, I would be the one to decide the key men inside, and I would like to operate without delegating anyone. This seems like a logical discourse ... ".
Still on the possible arrival of Chinese investors in Italy and on a future in another club that is not AC Milan: "It would be a sea change if it happened. We will have to get used to these foreign investors, as happened in other European leagues. Do not forget what Berlusconi has done is something truly unique. I in another club? At Inter? No, it is fantasy football ... It 's impossible, but always thanks at Mr.Moratti for the estimate. "

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Berlusconi: "I sell with sorrow the majority of AcMilan"

Silvio Berlusconi in the evening he spoke at Radio Lombardia mainly to talk about politics and elections that will shortly decide what will be the next mayor of Milan, however, has got to also comment the situation of Milan and in the specific negotiations with the Chinese to the club's sale.

These are his words when asked if he has suffered in the last bad seasons the team: "I had so much pain, I had little interest of AC Milan in recent years because they have been the subject of judicial harassment. I could not get interested closely Milan as in the past. But now to return to football leaders need the money that they only Arabic and Chinese. This is why we are negotiating with sorrow the sale of a majority Milan. We are dealing with a group of Chinese state-owned company very serious ".

Berlusconi explains what demands from the Chinese consortium interested in buying the club: "The condition that we place is very accurate, or that there is a formal commitment to invest in the coming years to get it back AC Milan star in Italy, in Europe and in the world as it is I was in the first decades of my presidency. "

Tuesday 31 May 2016

Milan ready the new Asian management: here the details

It will be an Asian Milan but with an imprint Western also what seems possible in the short form. Between 15 and 20 June next should get signatures for the acquisition by the Chinese consortium of majority stakes and officially begin a new era, which will also see a revolution within society and leadership as a distortion obvious.

The Corriere della Sera today clarifies how it will change the management of Milan, which will keep the figure of Silvio Berlusconi as honorary president, no one knows yet whether in operational terms as he tried to understand the Knight, or just as a figurehead compared to past. It suggests a primary role instead to the highly respected Italian-English manager Nicholas Gancikoff, who is working closely with the advisor Sal Galatioto and has already received the appreciation of Berlusconi himself. it is possible that the man of the stadium project can cover the position of managing director.

There will be instead a single owner, a man in command; the Chinese seem willing to bet on a diverse management but compact, with all members of the consortium who will make the decisions together. Also clues about the characters that are part of the deal Milan: Asians will form an investment fund in which will participate in the various companies of the Far East, among which stands out the presence dell'Evergrande Real Estate.

Monday 30 May 2016

Kovacic need to find themselves, AcMilan need to add quality in midfield.

In Milan for the revitalization operation, this time changing shores of the waterway to start, who knows, an adventure all the Rossoneri. The hypothesis Mateo Kovacic to AC Milan could be anything but a simple voice or suggestion, even more so after the statements made by the individual and by Adriano Galliani about a possible deal: the Croatian midfielder, with no space in midfield immovable Real Madrid European champions, could decide to leave the blancos to find space, riabbracciando Milan, which has well-known in the previous Inter experience.

OPENING - "Kovacic? Let's see." Asked about the possible arrival of the Croatian national Rossoneri, Adriano Galliani has not closed the doors before the hypothesis of being able to bring back the former Inter Milan. A track that, even according to recent statements made by Kovacic also FcInterNews himself, seems quite open now ( "If Milan were to call? I do not think the other teams. In life anything can happen, but at the moment I do not think. Milan a beautiful city and I spent there two and a half fantastic, but at the moment I am a Real Madrid player "). Paid 29 million Euros to Real just a few months ago, Kovacic could therefore have a change of air, with the most likely hypothesis of the loan to be able to see the Rossoneri.

TITLE '- Arriving at Milan, Kovacic could find more frequently the only known title in just six occasions with the shirt of blancos: former Nerazzurri lead quality, technique and ability to find those played vertically too little often seen in the team Rossoneri in these seasons. Talent never be able to express themselves at 100%, including benches and colorless performance interspersed with good evidence, the Croatian would so finally the opportunity to enjoy the space and freedom of expression: a reinforcement, the right economic conditions, could prove very important, awaiting the outcome of negotiations with the Chinese consortium to learn more about the market and the future of the Rossoneri.

Sunday 29 May 2016

The Chinese think of the new Stadium: a new home to be reborn

The idea of the new stadium is a key point for the Chinese consortium interested in Milan. Here are the first details.

The Chinese consortium interested in buying 70% of AC Milan starts to plan the future of the Rossoneri. As disclosed in the presentation of future investments delivered to Fininvest and Silvio Berlusconi, the Chinese see in the construction of the new stadium owned a fundamental point for Milan's rebirth. reports the first details of what should be the new Milan Stadium. The Chinese want to build a real Entertainment Center. In short, a stadium, but not only. The idea is that of a sports hall, which would host the matches of the Rossoneri, but also the concerts (which is not possible at the San Siro).
Also over the stadium, it would be built a shopping center adjacent to the field, and even the studios. This allows the inflow to the system not only concern the weekend, but the whole week.

The stadium would have 50,000 seats, as well as had been thought by Barbara Berlusconi in the door area. Just the area is still a major doubt. The two options currently under analysis are that of the new Fiera Milano and the Linate Airport.

To build the stadium would be Nicholas Gancikoff the Sports Investment Group, which is working as a consultant along with Sal Galatioto, advisor of the Chinese consortium. But investors also think the GMP, Hamburg studio.

Friday 27 May 2016

Milan, Ibrahimovic: "Italy offers, it is my second home"

When Zlatan Ibrahimovic say a word you just have to listen and try to interpret. Not a big talker, the Swedish striker, who has always preferred the goals and played like a champion rather than express themselves verbally. But his recent statements, reported on the BBC by the Swedish journalist known Jennifer Wagerup, finally seem to outline what will be his rumored professional future.

Ibrahimovic, when asked about their choices for the upcoming season, has opened a window of opportunity to return to Italy, especially at Milan, which appears to date the only Serie A club can get him to settle down in the beautiful country: "I did not read the papers so i can not say which team i will play. For now nothing happens, I just think the Europeans. I have already made my choice a long time ago, I have concrete offers from England and Italy, even outside Europe, so many alternatives. "

The impression is that Ibrahimovic will not be so fast to announce the long-awaited destination: "The European will be important for me and my team. Return to France will be nice, even if Sweden is my home, while Italy is the second country. I want to wait a while 'before you say, because I like to read what the newspapers, some go safely in England, others in the US. Mourinho? It would be nice to work with him. "

Thursday 26 May 2016

Berlusconi says: "Chinese good people, it's time to sell"

An opening so great to negotiation with the Chinese consortium Silvio Berlusconi had never done. E 'served the invitation of Bruno Vespa last night in his old TV show Porta a Porta to clear some pretty interesting details about the ongoing negotiations for the Milan shares. Berlusconi a different, more resigned but firm, has unveiled plans of the Asian consortium with new juicy backstory.

La Gazzetta dello Sport is a synthesis of the words of Berlusconi; it started from the grounds, the 'surrender', the decision to surrender the offer Chinese and no longer remain in the saddle as patron: "Against Milan it was a long ride thirty years, we hope to close it by winning the Super Cup. My final decision to be president of a very popular team will have to be wise and just. I think it must pass the buck to those who can invest in Milan in a more concrete way, that you come to this great company. I have had multiple contacts with groups that have a lot of money, from oil or from China. The important thing is not so much the offer that will make me, but how much will invest in the team."

And to whom he spoke of the Chinese consortium ready to put on the door Berlusconi immediately, the Knight's answer: "There are 12 groups that have occurred, we have discarded many. If we do not find anything good the only solution would be to build a young Italian Milan. But we want to accelerate transactions to operate on the market. The Chinese want me to stay as president three years, I was asked to be the director of the campaign purchases. If there will be no buyer who will accept my condition, I will keep Milan. "

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Donnarumma: "I dream to become the captain of AcMilan"

In disappointing season for Milan, which for the third year in a row remained outside Europe, however, there has also been a big positive note, that the explosion of Gianluigi Donnarumma, who became the goalkeeper of the Rossoneri's training role he held for many years. Interviewed by the BBC, the young goalkeeper Milan player has spoken of its vintage and its future: "For me it is still extraordinary, begin at my age in A is not for everyone. The Abbiati tips and Diego Lopez have been invaluable, I'm happy to have shared this experience with them. Of course, I was hoping for a call in the National. I rocked this dream to the last, but I'm happy to have made his debut with the Under 21 and to know that Di Biagio pointing at me. The personal goal is to continue to get better, that of Milan next year should be the return to Europe and then we'll see. My future? Maybe he was still at Milan, with the captain's armband. It would be the culmination of a dream that I live since I was a child. "

CUP FINAL ITALY - Unfortunately for Gigio and throughout Milan, the 2015-2016 season ended with the defeat in the final of the Italian Cup against Juventus: "We are all still regretted the outcome of the final, we did our best and we deserved more - explains the young goalkeeper Rossoneri -. I can not explain why we did not play as often as during the game against Juve. Probably it was a question of mind and mentality ".

BETWEEN BROCCHI And MIHA - He could also miss a question about Cristian Brocchi, whose future on the Milan bench is still very uncertain. Here are the words of Donnarumma: "I ask the next coach: the question you should direct it to Galliani. Brocchi I had in the students and in the spring, his approach has also led to the first team. I would be happy if he stays though he always thank Sinisa Mihajlovic for the confidence you have shown me. "

Saturday 21 May 2016

Milan comeback to win: it will battle!

It will not have the charm nor the importance of Champions League match in Manchester, but the Tim Cup final between AC Milan and Juventus, as evidenced by today's edition of La Gazzetta dello Sport, has a specific gravity not indifferent. The Bianconeri point to the second consecutive one-two (league-Cup), while for the Rossoneri (and his coach) the meaning is even clearer.

BROCCHI AND THE FUTURE - For Milan, writes the rosy, the Olimpico night is the junction between a trophy to put on the bulletin board, after five years of abstinence, or another failed season. Cristian Brocchi played everything: his future inevitably comes from the dry race tonight. The 34-point lead in the championship (and two seasonal defeats against Juventus) force the technician to study how to overturn the context: how to block Juve? How to hurt a team in the league has grossed just twenty goals?

Dybala CAGE - The first step, says Gazza, will be to limit the Bianconeri play and, in particular, by Paul Pogba. On the trail of the French he will Juraj Kucka, almost man marking. The other player can not miss (never) of view is Paulo Dybala: for the Argentine there will be a cage, or rather, a series of markings on the basis of his movements. In attack, however, AC Milan will have two options: leave quickly or handle the ball with a simple phrasing, and then activate the full-backs or wings.

Thursday 19 May 2016

Chinese in Milan: present future governance at Berlusconi

As revealed by the day of Il Sole 24 Ore Carlo Festival on your blog Insider, that of May 28 will be a very important day for the future of Milan. In fact the stadium Giuseppe Meazza San Siro in Milan will come of the exponents of the Chinese consortium, accompanied by managers close to Galatioto Sports Partners (such as the Italian-American consultant Nicholas Gancikoff), to attend the Champions League final between Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid.

The negotiation between the parties goes ahead. The lawyers of Ripa di Meana study, assisting the Chinese, are preparing in these days the documents on the transaction structure built by the consortium. Awaiting them there are the Fininvest consultants: Lazard and Chiomenti. It is about 7-8 members who are part of this consortium of investors eager to buy AC Milan.

The names are not yet known, except dell'Evergrande Real Estate Group, owner of Guangzhou in China. The other members still belong to conglomerates listed on the Stock Exchange. The thing you want to understand Silvio Berlusconi is the stock weight you will want to have the various components of the consortium. Because if the intention is to buy the 70%, the idea that these quotas are divided into equal parts (about 10% each) were not crazy with joy President Rossoneri, who would lead an investor can direct investment and strengthening the club. Want an anchor investor, that is a key investor with significant resources available which then will be able to command the choices.

Berlusconi is waiting, therefore, by the Chinese more information about the intentions of the other party and to the future governance of the company. He wants to leave Milan in safe hands.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Milan observes the young Hyndman

Football MILAN - The Rossoneri bad season coming to an end: the championship ended with a dishonorable seventh place and the only chance to go to Europe League will win the Italian Cup final next Saturday, against Juventus at the Olimpico in Rome. A company quite difficult, if not almost impossible, for a team that in recent weeks has shown a physical and mental shape to say the least ridiculous. Despite many corporate concerns relating to an alleged sale of the club to the Chinese, the current leadership is working under the plaster on the transfer market.

Milan transfer market, Hyndman for the Rossoneri midfield
According to colleagues of The Sun, Adriano Galliani would be quite interested in Emerson Hyndman. It is a young midfielder class 1996. Born in the USA, in Dallas, on 7 April, he turned 20. Footballer owned by Fulham, with contract expiring on June 30. On his debut in the first team he has opened up great technical skills as a director, which could come in handy and not just at Milan's department where latita quality and not cheap. Felix Magath, the coach who made his debut in the big football, he even likened to a certain Andrea Pirlo. A comparison certainly uncomfortable, but which suggests its potential.

The online editorial staff of the renowned British tabloid explains that the American director there would be three interested teams: AC Milan, Borussia Dortmund and Celtic Glasgow. To snatch the English club which currently plays in the Championship (corresponding to Italian Serie B), it takes 200 thousand pounds. A pittance for the player's talent potential. The competition certainly does not help, but it is, in Aldo Rossi accelerassero seriously could make a young interesting for the future. Hyndman also should have past since the Community would Portuguese relatives. The young football player, having made his debut in the National against Colombia for the Olympic qualifiers, will make a decision on his transfer in the coming weeks, long enough to Rossoneri to discuss any contractual conditions with his entourage.

Abbiati: " I thank all fans, I want to close my career with a trophy"

Were we agree with the coach that I would enter the last 5 minutes. Him before the game he asked me if I felt to play holder but I said no because I did not think to have the concentration to an appropriate level as required an important match like the one against Roma. I asked him if there was a chance to enter the last 5 minutes, but then I was the first to tell him not to let me in since the situation was dramatic. The farewell? Were indescribable emotions. Given the course of the game I thought we could go away fans. Instead remained, it was very exciting, as well as see all the friends and family on the sideline. It 'was an indescribable moment. "

"It fills me with pride to have been part of a great Milan, were really fantastic years where we won everything. Italian Cup final? We have to completely reset the figure of last Saturday, and all we have to show that we have something in and show respect for this jersey and this company. I'm confident for Saturday that my teammates will make a. Juventus? They are a great team, but we need to get us with more stimuli and recover a season that was bankrupt ".

"Future? Now we think about the final, which is very important and there I would be happy to end his career by lifting a trophy. After the summer I will speak with Galliani and we'll see. The fans? I greet them and thank them, I will always carry in your heart. Forza Milan! ", Concludes Abbiati.

Monday 16 May 2016

Milan, Berlusconi to the Chinese: "Build the stadium and give it my name"

In recent weeks he has returned to talk about the construction of a stadium property for Milan, in the past project commissioned by Barbara Berlusconi and then shelved due to financial problems after the victory of the notice of the award of the door held by Fondazione Fiera. Now the issue is back topical, given that the club could move into Chinese hands, and they have the will to build a plant everything Rossoneri.

As a possible area in which to achieve it is checked again the Expo, view the opening councilor Antonio Rossi. The day, however, writes that Milan are thinking area around Via Stephenson of Unipol property, which is located to the north-west outskirts of the city. In total, a perimeter still in good part from 450 thousand square meters occupied by warehouses, disused industrial warehouses and towers of great impact but of varying fortune. The club will need less and contacts with the company that owns have already left. Unipol has the interest to monetize seen that it's a land that today is a dead weight.

To build this stage need much money, that Silvio Berlusconi and Fininvest have not wanted and do not want to invest. This is why the president of AC Milan during the negotiations with the Chinese has made it a condition for selling the realization of a property system to be entitled to it, taking as reference the Santiago Bernabeu in Madrid. Always reveals the Day, explaining that people close to him have reported: "Silvio does not want to separate from Milan without leaving a mark. Yet another."

Milan is in total chaos: no one knows who is boss in the company.

That Milan will not be living an easy time in the last years is not new, but the problem is that things, rather than better, seem to worsen with the passage of time. Rossoneri at home, now dominates the total chaos, in particular in companies where in recent seasons have often been taken hasty decisions and above all wrong: in 27 years as president, from 1986-87 to 2012-13, Silvio Berlusconi has in fact alternated only ten coaches, while in the last three years have been as many as five. Another very serious mistake was not to decide anything about the dispute between Galliani and Barbara Berlusconi.

ALL AGAINST ALL -L'edizione today Tuttosport now reports that AC Milan is an all against all: the fans criticize it for a year and a few months ago Adriano Galliani clubs and players, and President Berlusconi if ​​it is taken in the latter weeks especially with the Rossoneri players. For their part, the players, after the change on the bench, seem to have given up the coach, who is not appreciating the attitude with which his boys took the field and for that yesterday he had with them a confrontation at Milanello .

LAST CHANCE - Once, AC Milan was a model club that everyone took as an example, and now at home Rossoneri reigns great confusion and in this climate is not easy to prepare for an important match like the Italian Cup final against Juventus: this match it is indeed the last chance that Milan has to go to Europe, otherwise it will have to make the viewer for the third year in a row, thus establishing yet another failure in recent years.

Sunday 15 May 2016

Milan, Brocchi disappointed: "I did not see desire and attitude"

Cristian Brocchi spoke of improvements from Milan to when he's on the bench, but yesterday against Roma at the San Siro the disaster was total. This team has proved awkward, highlighting gaps everywhere. The BBC notes that the tactical strategy has been very confusing (it started from 4-3-1-2 and then move to 4-3-3 and 4-4-2) and players have been turned off, fearful and lacking pugnacity. The Giallorossi have walked, the reaction there was not after any goal.

Now Milan have the last chance to qualify for the Europa League by winning the Italian Cup against Juventus next Saturday. The week will be difficult, Brocchi will bring out the spirit of his lost children and encourage them to respond to at least gamble and not succumb. Then you know, in one game anything can happen.

The Rossoneri coach after the game expressed his disappointment as well as seen on the pitch at San Siro as part of his team: "I'm very disappointed and angry. It 'was a game misunderstood not only by technical and tactical point of view. In the field has not been put anything in terms of attitude and desire, they did not put what they have told me with words weekdays. There was no will to fight and this is the worst thing.

The psychological aspect is important, but if you do not have it inside you can not pull it off. I hope everyone digs inside himself and remedy. This week, each player will have to work on himself and understand what goes to play in Rome on Saturday, otherwise it becomes difficult for any coach. The change of Balotelli? I need players that if they fail to make the play, give me at least the attitude. He has paid the consequences and failures of many comrades, could it happen to others. " 
Now Brocchi to remain 90 minutes, those of the Italian Cup final against Juventus, to try to keep the Milan bench.

El Shaarawy, no goal rejoice: AcMilan fans applaud him

The Milan fans present last night at San Siro in the last league game against Roma have devoted several choruses of protest to their players, but they instead applauded Stephan El Shaarawy. Pharaoh scored the 2-0 (3-1 then it's over) under the same Curva Sud yesterday dedicated to him cheers and under which he made the first goal in the Rossoneri in Serie A and a few years ago. Nice gesture Boy in not rejoice and ask virtually excuse.

Yesterday he played a good match, moving away out of respect to the Milan fans companions who embraced him to rejoice at his goal. And the cheers are not even missed when it leaves the field to let that unknown semi Emerson Palmieri, author of 3-0.

It was not a goal of the former given that El Shaarawy is still owned by Milan, but almost. In fact, after last night it is even more unlikely to think that Roma do not redeem the player for 13 million euro agreed in January. Pharaoh with red and yellow jersey is reborn, dramatically exceeding even the fact of having been downloaded quickly from Monaco. 8 are the scoring in 17 games, as important. Nobody who has changed jersey in January did better. Luciano Spalletti has built the team around him, Diego Perotti (absent yesterday) and Mohamed Salah.

These are the words of El Shaarawy after the game: "They were very strong emotions - reports La Gazzetta dello Sport -. The goal, to find San Siro and staff, to applause. It 'was an unforgettable evening, I'm happy. I was sure the coach's trust, even before you get me. Now let's see what will decide the company: I have to keep going, and now there is also the European Championships. " The call of coach Antonio Conte would be deserved.

Saturday 14 May 2016


#ACMTube-Youth: AcMilan-Sassuolo

Locatelli, it's your turn: Milan relies on its young talent

Silvio Berlusconi himself had praised when many still did not know of its existence it 'veneer on that role. He reported to the media as the most pure talent of the Milan youth sector after Gigio Donnarumma, a player already mature and worthy of his debut in Serie A, maybe instead of that Riccardo Montolivo that often infuriated fans and staff for some benefits indolent.

As reported today by the BBC, today will shoot forward to Locatelli. The young director will be one of the surprise changes planned by Mr. Cristian Brocchi to try to beat Roma and hope to grab the sixth place in extremis surpassing the Sassuolo. Already it is thrown into the fray against the Carpi a few weeks ago, for Locatelli this will be a chance not to go bankrupt, in front of their home crowd and in a central role, decisive for the economy of the AC Milan game.

Milan will still be a young man, who is expected to launch other products of its youth sector from 1 'minute, always by the now present Donnarumma to-back Davide Calabria, which has given good signs of growth in the last match played in Bologna. Training therefore looking to the future and hope for the best and quickest possible impact that will throw into the fray Brocchi mister. And someone in leadership will not at all sorry.

Friday 13 May 2016

Balotelli: The Rossoneri aim at him even for the future...

Since returning to Milanello, everyone is agreed that Mario Balotelli is no longer the player a few years ago that often combining some trouble: AC Milan striker has changed, this season has never become the protagonist of "balotellate" both in and out and this was greatly appreciated by the company, which has found a more mature player. Surely, the making level, we expected much more, but Milan still believe in SuperMario and will do so even in the last two important challenges of the season against Roma and Juventus.

NEW OWNER - As reported this morning La Gazzetta dello Sport, the Rossoneri's number 45 has recovered from the influence that kept him out against Bologna and then Brocchi him again resurface from the first minute is against Roma, with whom AC Milan plays sixth place in the league, both in the Italian Cup final against Juventus. In these two games are crucial for Milan's season, the Rossoneri will then entrust to Balotelli, who will again pair with Carlos Bacca.

TOWARDS THE CONFIRMATION - For weeks, the company via Aldo Rossi asked his attacker to get him to redeem him from Liverpool in the summer, and although not able to score too long (the last goal in the league dates back to September), the feeling is that Milan will test them all for even hold him for next year. Of course, if SuperMario returned to be decisive in these last two games the Rossoneri it would take even more willingly.

Thursday 12 May 2016

AC Milan, the Chinese study business plan and new stadium

MILAN NEWS - The Chinese are serious and want to close the deal in Milan as soon as possible. The deadline for exclusive negotiations is scheduled for June 15, but in the meantime are working to define Fininvest some points and also study the revival of the club.

Corriere dello Sport says that the business plan (expansion of the Rossoneri brand in China and across East) and the construction of a new stadium are already being studied buyers. These are crucial issues for the future of Milan. The exploitation of the eastern markets and the construction of a sports facility property may allow to collect more money than currently obtained.

Between the Chinese and Fininvest you are also discussing the governance and management structure. As for the next summer transfer market it is likely to be even Adriano Galliani to maintain it, except surprise. Although for the future can then be changes in the organization chart. Difficult that the new owners maintain unchanged the current management, also because in recent seasons has failed in several respects. Therefore, if not immediately, some changes will be made within a few months. Fans are hoping that they take appropriate figures, may be fishing even among some great former Milan player.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Ibrahimovic-Milan: Now it's possible! Remain one problem to solve..

Football MILAN - The first step has been made, now at home Milan expects an acceleration to close the deal with the Chinese company which will mark a turning point in the historical and economic Rossoneri. A turning point for the market, because by June may come from liquid funds and absolute value to reinforce a rose not excellent.

Here, then, that the BBC back on the deal Zlatan Ibrahimovic, the player most wanted by the Milan fans, who triumphed with the Swede in the field for the last time with the Scudetto and the Supercup 2011. A short name that would make people back the stadium with enthusiasm and optimism, but there are many obstacles to overcome.

Milan transfer market, the dream Ibra and the obstacle engagement
With the advent of the Chinese, then Zlatan Ibrahimovic gets a name less impossible; think that even the Inter cousins ​​would have done recently a survey to the very strong striker, with Roberto Mancini who rivorrebbe with it 'to retrace some distant glories of winning. But Milan still tops the list of popular clubs and well-liked by the same Ibra, who approached the idea of ​​a comeback with a few sentences to the honey of the last days.

Ibrahimovic would come at no cost thanks to the offices of Mino Raiola, who is probing the world to almost ground to figure out what would be the best solution for the Swedish champion, with Milan as mentioned remains in contention. The only problem at the moment is the insurmountable engagement: the PSG receives more than 12 million per annum, one million per month. monstrous figures for Milan's coffers, which at least at the upstream level engagements will also downsize with the arrival of Asian investors. Difficult than Ibra can accept a curtailment of overly high salary, but could approach in a consistent, if he wanted to.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Milan, the exclusive negotiations with the Chinese is open.

Officially it opens the deal between Milan and Chinese consortium represented American advisor Sal Galatioto. The statement Fininvest has opened the ball for the operation exclusively, at this time the other roped parties concerned can not deepen with Milan because the company is committed to only work with the Chinese-American consortium. The Board of Directors this morning in via Paleocapa established the path of negotiation. The final OK came unanimously and ratified by CEO Fininvest Pasquale Cannatelli, in the presence of Marina Berlusconi and with the consent of the whole family.

TIMES AND PERCENTAGES - The exclusive last about 30-40 days where the Chinese will have access to the documentation, budgets, contracts to study everything in detail and accurately. It is obviously for a majority that would be around 70%. At the end of the analysis period will come to a decision, Silvio Berlusconi has the final say. But during this month both parties could decide to pull out without paying penalties because the deal is not binding. It 'clear that before coming to this choice, the family holding company has obtained all the necessary guarantees, both at bank level and the composition of the Chinese consortium. Important first step but the last word for the sale of more clubs is up to Silvio Berlusconi.

Milan, welcome back Niang: he will be the anti-Juventus

Ten points in ten matches played in the last two months. A poor booty, almost miserable for Milan. With a difference: during this period the Rossoneri had to do without more of a player like M'Baye Niang, the French striker injured his ankle in late February. Former Genoa player at that time had become an absolute staple of their choice by the then technician Sinisa Mihajlovic. But now things are returning to normal.

Niang on his Instagram profile has published a recent photo of training at Milanello, which saw him work with the group and also play the match at home. "Come back" his positive comments to all this, an exit from the tunnel accident or rather of the injury which he acquired in a unique way on the night between 27 and 28 February, when a car accident rather trivial forced him to resort to ankle operation in the Netherlands.

The worst is over and now Niang book now at a starting spot in the attack Saturday against Roma, as hypothesized Tuttosport should be summoned and have a bit 'of a space race in progress. The goal is to return to the top for the final against Juventus to win the Italian Cup final of the season, by appointment; AC Milan will serve all the best men and the inspiration of the French striker will really embarrass Gigi Buffon and companions.

Monday 9 May 2016

AcMilan: Europe possible. It also depends on Inter

Politano with a goal in the final game, the Sassuolo defeated yesterday afternoon Frosinone and returned well before the Milan in the standings: the race in sixth place, neroverdi therefore remain favorites on the Rossoneri, although any final speech was postponed to 'last day of the championship scheduled for next weekend. Without the sixth position, the AC Milan team to qualify to the next Europa League, will necessarily have to beat Juventus in the Italian Cup final, certainly not a simple undertaking.

EUROPE AT RISK - The European future of Milan is then hung by a thread: the last match of the Serie A 2015-2016, it will host the Rossoneri at San Siro against Roma, which is still in the race for second place (Napoli is two points), while Sassuolo will be busy at home to Inter, now certain to arrive fourth. As reported in this morning's Tuttosport, the fate of the AC Milan training is therefore not only in his hands, but also in those of the Nerazzurri: an AC Milan win against the Giallorossi will in fact only if the Inter team will not be beat from Sassuolo.

SGARBO CITIZEN - A lot will depend on the attitude of Inter, who will be at the Mapei Stadium without major reasons now that in Appiano Gentile are certain to finish fourth and thus no longer have any purpose. It is undeniable that in the Rossoneri there are those who think that the Nerazzurri will not result against neroverdi to make a snub to Milan, so it is likely to remain seriously out of Europe for the third year in a row. Before seeing what others are doing, will be important, however, beat Roma, otherwise all talk is unnecessary.

Sunday 8 May 2016

Ibrahimovic, goal for the new Milan

Football MILAN - Adriano Galliani to work for two key strokes in the future, two important purchases that would give quality and prestige in midfield and attack by a AC Milan this season proved to be too often apathetic and without ideas, even yesterday against Bologna.

The first name, now often in market chronicles, is to Zlatan Ibrahimovic. According to the Corriere dello Sport recent openings aside before Mino Raiola, his trusted agent, then Galliani himself have approximated the champion PSG to a future with the Rossoneri. One hypothesis for now always fantamercato, but more doable if you think that Ibra has not yet decided what to do in the future and would also seem inclined to go back to one of the squares in which he found himself better, although it is currently far from the football summits European.

Ibrahimovic, willing even to decurtarsi the salary of a small percentage, would arrive on a free transfer, a real coup by Galliani would do crazy their fans today disaffected with a player who rekindled the imagination of many, especially for the winning trend in key league got in his career and failed once, when in 2012 precisely with AC Milan did not succeed triumphant encore in Serie A.

Saturday 7 May 2016

"Milan in Italian hands". Berlusconi irritates the Chinese

He put his face after weeks in which, between rumors and criticism, we talked about everything, Asian roped ready to do it out of its Milan, the blame for the recent technical decisions, the lack of feeling with the square. Silvio Berlusconi chose his official Facebook profile, where it was already much criticized by Milan fans, to discuss the future of Milan, in person, with a monologue about three minutes still rich of important insights.

As reported by the BBC, after ensuring the Rossoneri fans a lot to keep the club and be looking for buyers for a year (Mr.Bee docet), Berlusconi revealed his very first intention: "I sell Milan preferably in hands Italian. " A statement that completely displaces the Chinese consortium that according to all the Italian and foreign media would be one step away from becoming the owner of the majority shares. A surprise hit by the Knight, which continues to play a chess game that only he knows what will bring in the near future.

China could get bitter response and little positive opinions, but this is of little interest to Berlusconi. Now you have to wonder who among Italians entrepreneurs may spend more than 700 million euro to acquire Milan or another sports club as prestigious, or if Berlusconi has the names at the top or hidden negotiations at stake. Meanwhile the Chinese and the advisor Galatioto await, with a hint of optimism in the least. Much will depend on file with the bank guarantees which must be received on the desk Fininvest within a few days. It will be the key step before the Berlusconi family holding company decision on this never-ending story.

Friday 6 May 2016

Sale Milan: ready Chinese money. Future IPO in the project

MILAN NEWS - As revealed today's edition of the newspaper Il Messaggero, the money of the Chinese consortium represented Italian-American advisor Sal Galatioto are there and are deposited in the London office of an Oriental Institute. Now we look for the guarantee that they can pass on the current account of an Italian bank. Standards are prescribed by law on anti-money laundering to accent that the money is clean and free of illicit origin.
This would be the last obstacle to the signing of an exclusive contract between Fininvest and Asian buyers represented by Galatioto Sports Partners. Silvio Berlusconi seems willing to say yes to exclusively deal with these subjects the sale of 70% of the shares of the Milan based on a rough estimate of 650 million euro, minus debts (80).
But then it is hard to say whether, once the first phase, the president will give the final green light to the sale of the club. The children Marina and Pier Silvio long been pushing for the sale. The father is still considering. Meanwhile Galatioto presented a plan for the future listing of AC Milan in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and perhaps also in that of Milan, as well as a project linked to the development of the brand and merchandising in Asia.
The exclusive contract does not provide for criminal, then the parties may draw back without having to pay anything. Fininvest This request was accepted by the Chinese, who once received the ok start with due diligence in order to verify further all the financial data of the deal in detail. The Messenger, unlike the Corriere dello Sport says that the club during the month in question may make negotiations. The only obligation is to keep informed potential buyers.

Thursday 5 May 2016

Milan to the Chinese: before say yes, Berlusconi wants guarantees

The newspaper "La Gazzetta dello Sport" asked about the fact that Silvio Berlusconi give or not ok to exclusive negotiations with the Chinese consortium of so much talked about in recent weeks. Yesterday did not happen anything significant, at least in appearance.

Arcore are not parties the necessary signals to Fininvest moving of official steps towards the representatives of the consortium of Asian investors, willing to offer right away 500 million euro for the purchase of 70% of Milan.

The holding company of the Berlusconi family, in constant contact with the advisor Sal Galatioto, has taken a cautious line and the Chief Pasquale Cannatelli administrator has decided to close the file on the bank guarantees before submitting all documentation to the president Rossoneri. That is why yesterday there would be a bit 'of a slowdown in the negotiations. There were some small mistakes in the intersection of data between the parties. The credit standing of the Chinese consortium is not in question, however, is common practice in such delicate negotiations that sellers should receive certain certifications.

Just ended here, it will be given the go ahead to the exclusive negotiation. It will last a month and does not provide for any penalty. Therefore Silvio Berlusconi will have the time needed to analyze the situation without having to pay anything if you decide not to sell AC Milan. The BBC writes that the patron has many doubts, especially because to abandon the club in a negative moment and therefore not to be winning. It 'also true, however, that the Chinese can ensure those investments that Fininvest does not intend to do to revive the team. 

Fans hoping for the arrival of yes, is the exclusive negotiations that then the final one for the sale in June. They are impatient and angry: they are right.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

With the Chinese,there will be revolution: only four player deserve to be confirmed for next year

The coming weeks will be decisive not only to know if Milan will participate or not the Europa League, but also to see if the club via Aldo Rossi will change the actual owner: continuing unabated, in fact, the contacts between Fininvest and the Chinese consortium that would immediately buy 70% of the Rossoneri. The negotiation between the parties goes ahead, for the moment there is still nothing certain, but it is clear that the eventual arrival of the Beijing team would lead to a major revolution in the Milan player pink.

FEW CONFIRMATIONS - According to a report in Tuttosport this morning, the Rossoneri are only four that saw the performance this season, you deserve even confirmed for next year: the best and the most constant were certainly Gianluigi Donnarumma and Giacomo Bonaventura with their play they have often been decisive. Even Ignazio Abate and Luca Antonelli, both of the Milan youth sector, have done their homework and have shown great affection for the Rossoneri.

They sent FAIL - As for the other players of AC Milan pink, are several people who are not rejected, but they have still not convinced at all: among them we find for example Romagnoli and also Berry, from which, despite the 18 goals scored, he expected something more. Those who do not is deserving to be confirmed for the next season are Alex, Mexes, Zapata, Diego Lopez, De Sciglio, Ely, Bertolacci, Montolivo, Poli, Balotelli, Boateng, Menez and Luiz Adriano.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Maldini returned to AC Milan! Ready special role for him.

If you were to get through the operation Milan implemented by wealthy Chinese consortium supported by the local government, it will be revolution in the Rossoneri's main switchboards. New leadership, technical staff upset and possibly a rose by the charisma and the higher quality than the present. But one of the most interesting new feature is one of the club flag too often forgotten.

According to Tuttosport Paolo Maldini would be ready to return in Milan, as called for recently also by the small shareholders of the company at the meeting and the subsequent claims the current Board. The historic Captain Milan player character is well known in China and Asia in general, given that in recent years has often been an ambassador and promoter of football initiatives is to promote the sport in Asia is for charitable purposes.

Chinese property would therefore ready for Maldini an important role in society, a counselor position with a say even on the technical sphere. Virtually a task similar to that which plays Pavel Nedved for a few years in the Juventus. AC Milan today in fact has an atavistic need of technical expertise within the leadership, both to better manage the market and to enter into a bit of experience and maturity of 'field' that nowadays seems to be missing completely.

Monday 2 May 2016

AcMilan: It's time to sell to turn the page

Yet another bad season figure has done nothing but feed the gap between the people and the current leadership of AC Milan. In yesterday's game, San Siro took issue with the property inviting the president to sell the club. A 180 minutes from the end of the season has arrived overtaking of Sassuolo in the standings, and this throws into turmoil the whole milanista environment, for the third year in a row it suggests a new failure, this time even more thunderous after much money spent in summer and the infamous dismissal of Mihajlovic six games left.

With the arrival of Brocchi problems are increased, and not because of the new technical work is not positive. For the simple fact that to practice football Brocchi takes time and serenity, elements that do not belong to this Milan. With six games left is unthinkable to change the style of play with a rose that for years much to be desired. Many of these players are not from Milan, and is demonstrated by the poor results of the last three years. trivial individual errors, position errors and choices at the time of the games, many are afraid and suffer a lot of San Siro.

The team was poorly constructed despite having spent so much, and here are the responsibilities of leadership. Not even a millionaire market saved the season and at this point would need a total revolution to reset everything and start over. Close the chapter of the Berlusconi era, along thirty years, and restart with a new company with new ideas and a different way of football. It has almost no way to continue on this path, AC Milan is undergoing too many humiliations for a public and a square that does not deserve it.

Saturday 30 April 2016

Crucial day for AcMilan: monday 720 million from China

The deal between Fininvest and the Chinese consortium takes more and more body. The Corriere dello Sport today confirms the chance to see ratified a preliminary agreement for the majority shares of AC Milan already on Monday, when a law firm in Rome could meet the representatives of the Berlusconi family holding with the advisor Sal Galatioto for signatures that give the development in exclusive negotiations to Chinese consortium.

The Evergrande Group, therefore, approaches to wide steps to a historic deal, which will see Milan move within a year entirely from ownership Berlusconi to Asian. The preliminary agreement will give the opportunity to the Orientals to work for the 'closing' by the end of June, when China should get the initial payment of 70% of the shares. A complex affair but very quickly it is estimated that about 720 million euro, a figure accepted even by the Knight who previously was very hesitant about the value given to the entire Rossoneri package.

Meanwhile, there is already talk of revolution and technical leadership to return to the greatness of Milan; the international criticism by shareholders against Adriano Galliani and company are an unfortunate signal to the current Rossoneri management. Almost certain an entrance in Marcello Lippi's club, although it will be to assess what role will the former coach of the Italian national team.

Friday 29 April 2016

Milan, there is the Evergrande Group

Do Not calm down the rumors and rumors about the negotiations for the sale of the chain led Milan to the Italian-American advisor Sal Galatioto with its GSP. As reported by Il Sole 24 Ore, between the members of the Beijing group that wants to invest in Milan there is also the Evergrande Group, which in recent weeks has risen recently to the forefront of financial news with the term "too big to fail ": this Chinese group has in fact been accused on several occasions by the" Wall Street Journal "to be very indebted. The Evergrande Group, however, is too big to fail, because behind him there is the Beijing government and the tycoon Cheng Yu-Tung.

MANY INTERESTS - But what is Evergrande Group? It is a conglomerate that divides his interests in construction, finance, banking and sports in this society has in fact half of the share capital of Guangzhou, while the other half of the Alibaba Group Jack Ma, also approached him to Milan in last days.

THE PLAN OF CHINESE - If the presence dell'Evergrande Group in the Chinese consortium that wants to AC Milan arrived confirmations, it now remains to understand who are the other three investors who are part of this consortium of Beijing that, under the direction of the advisor Sal Galatioto, is working to wrest yes Silvio Berlusconi. The Chinese are ready to put on the plate 600 million for 70% of the clubs via Aldo Rossi (excluding debt) with an option to buy the remaining 30% in three years. The investment plan also provides for even an initial amount of one hundred million, which would come in Milan in the capital increase, a figure necessary investment.
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Thursday 28 April 2016

In the center of the Chinese AcMilan project there is also the construction of a new stadium

The dream that Barbara Berlusconi has long pursued to give AC Milan a new stadium property could become reality if the Chinese consortium interested in via Aldo Rossi clubs were to actually buy a majority in the coming weeks: as reported by the Republic, in fact, in the project the Beijing team is also to build a new plant that will host the home games of the Milan team.

FUNDAMENTAL POINT - For the Chinese, the stadium property is a fundamental point in their strategy to rescue the Milan: in the program of the pharaonic Soccer World Congress in Shanghai (June 1 to 3, one of the speakers the President of Guangzhou, Liu Yongzhuo ) the most discussed topic will be "How to build a city and not just a" stadium. In addition to commercial, the Beijing team also wants to increase revenues from the stadium, which are indispensable to compete with other major Italian and European companies.

MAJOR INVESTMENTS - If the design of Barbara Berlusconi had been rejected for the costs too high, this aspect does not seem to worry the Chinese consortium, which is poised to make important investments in the event that were to actually enter in via Aldo Rossi company. The negotiation between the parties continues apace and it seems to have arrived at a crucial time: in addition to a new owner, Milan could then also have soon a new stadium.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Disaster Milan: Only Menez

Milan would be enough to carry out the minimum wage to win in Verona and, consequently, lock down the modest but crucial sixth place, last place useful for the qualification in the Europa League. The goal scored by Menez in the first half of the Bentegodi, net of a public benefit not exactly excellent, seemed to throw open the doors of victory to the Rossoneri, busy, we never cease to remember it, against an already relegated team. But his head was never connected, as shown in long phases of the first portion of the game and for the totality of the recovery, clearly the low point of the Rossoneri's season and possibly the last years Milan fans.

DISASTER AT BENTEGODI - A Milan wasteful, unable to finish the race in spite of the many spaces that gave the Verona, began to creak gradually during the second half, managing to stay upright only thanks to parades Donnarumma, only real phenomenon of this team now lost in an endless black hole. Nothing could the young Rossoneri goalkeeper on the penalty Pazzini and masterpiece punishment Siligardi, arrived just moments from the final whistle, as if to punish a shaky Devil, insecure, psychologically inadequate. A real disaster that threatens, at this point seriously, jeopardize the return on European fields of the Rossoneri.

EUROPE AT RISK - The decision to exonerate Mihailovic, with six races remaining and two goals to achieve, it is proving to be every day more inexplicable. Cristian Brocchi has excellent football ideas, but not even a magician could give a spectacular game at this Milan in just forty days. The Serbian coach had nevertheless found some balance and, despite the many problems, the team still managed to hold his ground. Now the situation seems much more precarious, and the Veronese afternoon it is a prime example: in addition to the defeat must emphasize the many occasions of the owners, a clear sign of structural and mental fragility. Not really the best opening words for a team that, in these three days, will defend a one point lead from Sassuolo.

Monday 25 April 2016

Jose Mauri: First match for the talented 19 year old

Half an hour to take (finally) AC Milan. Half an hour to convince Cristian Brocchi. Eventually, José Mauri has done. He managed to be talked about, to become a real alternative and credible, exploiting the favorable circumstances (including injuries and suspensions). From Verona to ... Verona, onset with Chievo (pennies to match, single coin in the league with Sinisa Mihajlovic to drive) to the first-team (excluding Italy Cup) against Hellas. In between, the proactive input to the Carpi, right springboard.
TRUST - AC Milan, as evidenced by today's edition of La Gazzetta dello Sport, has always believed in him, in the summer, when he snatched from Rome by beating off competition from Juventus and Roma, and during the season, when he chose to keep him It rose despite requests and the little space allotted by Mihajlovic. Half hour, last Thursday, was sufficient to deserve the compliments of Brocchi, which is not limited to promoting it for the game, predicting for him a bright career.
GRAVEL - José Mauri, following the dismissal of Sinisa sergeant, he hoped to find a technician more "open" to him, to give him minutes and tips. In short, someone like Brocchi, always on the side of young people, especially talented as the Italian-Argentine, who this afternoon, at the Bentegodi, has a great chance: stand in the Rossoneri midfield to enter definitively in the space of the owners and taking off a another couple of pebbles.

MILAN: all depends on the Italy cup final

In Verona breathing down the neck ... Sassuolo, of course. crucial match for running Europe (League)? Maybe. More than anything else, as evidenced by the daily La Repubblica on newsstands this morning, one of the Bentegodi is simply a step closer to the final of the Italian Cup. The match against Juventus (scheduled May 21 at the Olimpico in Rome) is charging of such non-sporting meanings as to make the prospect of a disastrous defeat (among other things predictable, given the opponent thickness).

NO MISTAKES - Raising the Tim Cup to the sky of the capital, Silvio Berlusconi - writes Republic - could eventually melt the dilemma on the sale of the club and deliver the majority of the Chinese consortium, having added to its unparalleled collection number twenty-nine trophy in thirty years, or keep AC Milan (with a tricolor cockade on his chest), by providing the strategist Cristian Brocchi are a young team and Italian. But if they lose, everything would fall.

FUTURE - Thursday, the shareholders will certify the passive (less 89.3 million) in 2015. By winning the Italian Cup, the Milan would avoid the preliminaries summer of the Europa League, so pocketing 3.5 million dollars of the US tour (which the Rossoneri, inevitably, they should resign if ko). But not only beat Juventus in the final would also contain the depreciation of a rose on sale. In short, this game goes the future of Milan, from all points of view.

Sunday 24 April 2016

Milan, there is still room for Balotelli secured a meeting with Liverpool.

Still four games to merit confirmation. The fate of Mario Balotelli is in his hands. But, in the meantime, as reported today's edition of La Gazzetta dello Sport, AC Milan he has already brought on with the job, fixing a meeting with Liverpool to discuss the player. Because the club AC Milan - highlights the rosy - trusts Balo and hopes to be able to retain even in the next season.

REBORN - The experience at Milan Baotelli seemed to have come to an end, after the long rehabilitation followed intervention by groin and return to the field far from easy and positive. But, again, the striker managed to redeem himself, raising its performance level. Mario has matured (and the company has shown to accept) and can still show off in their last three league games and, above all, in the Italian Cup final against Juventus, which has already created some apprehension in the recent encounter at the San Siro .

MEETING - The Milan still believes in the potential of Balotelli. That's why, while waiting for further confirmation on the field, has already set a date with Liverpool after this season (and not before), the Rossoneri will see the British to assess the situation. One thing is certain: Jürgen Klopp has no intention to take back the attacker. Milan - reports the journal - could possibly ask him on how to engage a sacrifice. But it is a premature discussion: first, as mentioned, have to earn Balo confirmation.

Saturday 23 April 2016

Bacca: he can leave to milan at the end of season

When a player of Carlos Bacca level makes a scene like that for easy replacement, for more deserved seen the performance up to that insufficient time, sends a clear signal to the membership club. Milan have perhaps understood that the Colombian, despite the subsequent apology, not really at ease Rossoneri, given that in the two years in Seville has hardly ever shown such a nervousness with his coach Unai Emery.

According to Tuttosport, the excessive reaction Berry might even be a prelude to a divorce must next summer, even if the number 70 is the most prolific and deadly striker of AC Milan, the summer signing clearly more appropriate and onerous. But the Rossoneri, a bit 'for a feeling down between Berry and the environment, a bit' for budgetary needs, not they would pull back in front of the possibility of selling the striker at a convenient figure for all.

We know that Berry is already throat from time to some European clubs, such as Bayern Monaco and Arsenal, but Milan until now has always denied the possibility to deprive of their striker after only one year in Italy. The latest developments seem to be able to change their minds at the same company via Aldo Rossi, who might begin to see Berry more as a resource out of the economic crisis rather than a top player on which to start. At least not with such attitudes.

Friday 22 April 2016

Brocchi: "We shouldn't be disappointed but angry ".

His voice low and darkened face in the post-game last night in San Siro seemed clear and emblematic expression of the mood of Cristian Brocchi, disappointed as the fans of his Milan yesterday had come to greet one hoping for the home debut a victory on paper definitely doable. The drab 0-0 draw against Carpi instead brings back down to earth a bit 'all, even the technician who was hoping for a more simple and continuous journey.

As reported by the BBC, Brocchi in the locker room he tried to give a justification for the attitude too light of his Milan, pushed during the meeting by the indications of the angry young coach, but it did not help to inculcate a sense of lethal offensive action: "we have taken up the race but we could not overcome the resistance of Carpi. It lacked offensive wickedness, when he joined Jose Mauri we created a couple of dangerous situations, but also the others had to try and fit. The whistles? A step backwards for us, but I never thought that the mission was simple. "

Ago 'mea culpa', then a humble Brocchi who has to start again from the few positive things that happened last night, as he held the Milan player still wears an armored time, or that it has launched two young men like the aforementioned Mauri and newcomer Manuel Locatelli, the launch pad for a Milan project of talent and unpredictability. For now you are walking step by step, with the hope of a revival as early as Monday in Verona.