
Saturday 16 April 2016

Conference the new coach C.Brocchi: " I'm here to win "

Before the pre-race press conference for Cristian Brocchi as Milan coach. The new Milan coach, who replaced Sinisa Mihajlovic earlier this week, is working these days to better prepare the delicate challenge of tomorrow night against Sampdoria, valid for the postponement of the 33th matchday of Serie A.

Brocchi, which was presented to the press on Tuesday afternoon, started the press conference honoring Japan: "" I express my condolences to the Japanese people, having also Japanese nationals in pink and my staff seemed right to do this before you start the conference".

Sampdoria. Brocchi then speaks of Sampdoria, very tricky team: "Sampdoria I have this, I have also talked about if we have not yet entered specifically. In withdrawal we will speak more precisely. In the exercises proposed and what we have experienced in the field an opponent eye to what he does on the field he was given. There is a shock to the change of coach ".

FIRST APPROACH. The new Milan coach says the first impact with the players: "It 's normal that in the early days by some of us were a bit' sad. I for one was bound to him because he had a fantastic relationship with me. So great respect for this initial situation. Then I saw the players with a desire to listen, to work and careful, I saw desire to do something good. "

DIALOGUE. Brocchi will be important to get into the head of his boys to get the most in these few games: "Talking to men rather than boys, men who already have a past, it is more difficult. Even an adult player needs certainty, it needs to know. This for me is a very important thing, I talked to almost everyone even at single level. With that I think we can lay the foundations for a job that will not be simple, but beautiful and exciting. "

MOVES TACTICS. AC Milan, in the course of this season, has never expressed a harmonious play. Brocchi can not do that in just a few days: "If I thought that tomorrow AC Milan were to take the field playing football I have in mind would be presumptuous. There are magicians who in a few days they can distort the ideas of a team that has been working with other coaches and other modes. Tomorrow I will see a 5% approach to what I want to see in the field, and I asked to week. " This is what you like to see the former coach of the Rossoneri Primavera: "I want the most simple things that I asked to be made. I hope they give me all of the signals that you are playing something important. Each player must not think of the ego, but to us. Tomorrow the most important thing will be to think of Milan. Who will take the field for 90 minutes or 5 to show that I want to wear the Milan shirt is vital. "

Playmaker. The leading candidate for the role of playmaker is certainly Giacomo Bonaventura: "It 's a possibility that Bonaventura pose play attacking midfielder. It has the features to do it and when the team will be able to internalize the concepts with which I want to play in that position will be an attacking midfielder or even a midfield. It 'a path that I also did with other players over the course of my career. These days I tried some situations, but I need to know as manager of individual players. I have done experiments and trials. "

HOLDERS. These days, the coach has tried in training the owner can team tomorrow: "In my way of seeing things is normal that during the week there is a team of potential holders or not, but the nice thing is that the players of Team potentially holder gives me certainty more in case you want to put them in the field. I had some important answers on who was in training does not hold. "

NOTHING upheavals. Brocchi want to change, starting from the module. But there is no need to revolutionize: "I'm not going to upset anything. Players have certainties, but they do not have the security of all. For me it is more important to the group and what you give to the cause rather than the individual player. It 's too important to talk about what to do on the pitch and the game. Then things will think of the company by the company that the engine will search do good and the best of Milan. "

ATTITUDE. The coach has repeatedly highlighted what are its demands to the team: "What I will ask the team to go forward and attack and occupy the space forward, because it is easier than to run 40 meters back. My will is that the attackers manage to carve out spaces useful to go to the end and occupy the area and that they are not too out and play ball. I will ask their interpretation of the race of a certain type. You can not expect in the modern game to play with strikers who do not help. There must be the desire to sacrifice himself for the team. "

MENTAL STRENGTH. Brocchi has worked so hard on the tactical level, but without neglecting the psychological, that still need much support: "As a coach I have always focused a lot on the mental. Even the most advanced players need to be strong mentally. If a player in the same game has less knowledge and the team does not work together even the individual is more difficult. The knowledge also helps the mental level in the difficult moments of the race. "

MIDFIELD. For the coach, the basic unit is the midfield, where it is developing the game: "For characteristics I think I have the midfielders to make the game that I have in mind. I think the game should be played in the best way in midfield. I think the midfield the most important department in game development. I want the game always goes through the midfielders. The roar I give you certainty in more both in the possession of non-possession. "

Balotelli. He could not miss the topic Mario Balotelli. Brocchi tells how he has seen these days: "I can not think Balotelli interpreters of his races as Kucka, but not vice versa. Each player has its own characteristics. What matters it is that each team games. I found Balotelli eager, promised me he will try to give everything in the latter period. In the past he knew that he had other opportunities, even on a subconscious level. The hope is that in these games show his qualities and especially face to see if it really is linked to the Milan shirt. "

HONDA. The Japanese is a real playmaker, but the former midfielder does not see only one way: "Honda will have the chance to show off. Will not be a Milan always play with the 4-3-1-2, there is the possibility that the three offensive may open up. Honda can play both as a winger that playmaker. From the point of view of the attitude in training this week has been very good. With Juventus the team played at high intensity on a mental level. I have not found evil. It 's normal that when coaches changes also change training methods. We have seen to what extent they were and from them ".

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