
Wednesday 13 April 2016

Brocchi new coach of AcMilan: I explain you my challenge

The model has and the short time he has: "Meanwhile in my career I was lucky enough to have been trained by the best coaches. And 'normal that they gave me, for different characteristics, were Prandelli and Carlo Ancelotti. For different reasons they let me into something that I find myself now as manager and will help me and helped me. from the short time perspective, is certainly a much higher risk that from the beginning. At the same time this is the situation and at this We have to cope. "

If you can climb the Primavera players: "The games are few and I think the players who come from the Spring we already have someone in pink. Locatelli is ready to play after a period in which it was done appropriately set in so many points of view, because the gap between Spring and the first team is large. and if there were to be an opportunity there are other young people who can do well. "

If you feel distrust towards him: "I am serene, but I know that it exists. I know, I can also understand, but at the same time what should I do: I have to stop because many people think it is not the right choice? Absolutely not. Everyone is free to express their thoughts. I never sought aid or sponsorship. Many of you know that I never did. I was always myself as a coach as a player. I do not think to be neither smarter nor more scarce "

Emotion when he was chosen and on what will try Sunday evening: "I had a great serenity, because frankly it was lived over again is the situation in which everyone was asking me about it. It 's normal that when I got the official communication there was an emotion in me. for me this year is the 20th year of Milan among the youth sector, and first team coach. Being in this time as manager of the first team in the club that made me grow up and gave everything for me is the most beautiful thing in the world. I am here ready to get involved with the hope and the dream to be here next season. "

On teamwork: "The most important thing is to give security to the players that in some moments of the game can go in difficulty. In these moments the fact consocere what kind you want to do, what kind of position in the field can have the team can helping the player to go less in difficulty ".

On language to use than that with young people: "And 'this is the key. Being able to make it clear to every single player that what I propose in each workout aims to get to do what I ask in the game. When I can make them understand that there is a tutorial that you can not really find in the race. When they find the giovamenti during the game likely will begin to believe it more. the knowledge of the team are convinced that it is essential for the success of a game. "

About how he was born and grew up the relationship with Berlusconi: "I honestly do not know. In the sense that I have never been to go to pubblicizzarmi, absolutely not. The President I have had, despite his many activities, has always expressed the desire to follow Milan in all its dynamics. I think the fact that he has spoken well of my game over the years, probably intrigued and started to get information. you have surely had important relationships and from there was born this consideration ".

On the level of the team: "For me it is definitely a good level and I've said to them. The thing that I will try to do more is to give awareness to each individual player to be stronger than you feel right now . not because of Sinisa, I want to repeat it, but for a personal talk, some have not made it this far as they could. they must believe more in their own ability to reason and more to the group, not trying to single-handedly solve the game " .

On getting the team from the mental point of view to attack the game: "The mental aspect is crucial. I always asked my teams to attack and not to be passive. It 'a path, it is normal that everything can not get right away. but I started talking about it yesterday with the boys. it will not be easy but it sure is a challenging task. And how exciting for me I hope it will become also for the players. "

The limited time available: "At this time there is need to have balance and intelligence to know how to do many things. It 's normal that you have so much time to build a long work time is one thing. Do not forget that in the teams I often trained changed all the players. I want my team to play like you're training and you train for such games. We have a short time, every day we must ensure that everyone does some steps forward. "

Sull'impostare work for the next season or the final with Juventus: "Meanwhile, before there is to win a place in Europe that is crucial. You can not think straight to the final, but we must prepare for the matches prior to Max. Through these games it is normal that they will try to sow coming to the match with Juventus trying to establish a strong relationship with the team. we're trying since yesterday. it 's normal that we can not get into a situation in two days, but have the intelligence to put one or two signals every day not only in the field, but also outside. "

On the contract until the end of the season: "There is a contract that gives you the opportunity to be clear or not. If I had a contract of two years or more, but I got hurt I would have been replaced anyway, and the only thing is that I his back covered by a contract. it is not my priority, the most important thing is the good of Milan. If it does not go well I will have the humility to recognize it. "

If he is not afraid of being burned: "In recent months it has always been used this term exponentially. The question is play opportunity, natural that the risk exists when you have such a high chance. Then one must have the humility to understand that if things do not go well, you have to have the humility to share and cover the roads already traversed, without thinking about the big occasion went wrong. I have no negative thoughts, I play this opportunity with great desire and with a spirit that I has always distinguished. I'm not afraid and I know what I can do. this is not to say that I am 100% sure that Milan will win 7 games on 7 but my 100% will be given. "

On the form and on the 4-3-1-2 problems: "In my career I used that, and the 4-3-3. I like to play with a back four and a midfield 3 and in the offensive trident I always loved playing with different alternatives. with Spring in this second half of the season I played with the playmaker. in the team there are players who can play at three and they can do the playmaker, but also three-front. they will surely these modules that I will use ".

The impact with the team: "Normal that there was a particular climate, the players were accustomed to seeing the same people for several months. It 'was still a good impact, perhaps because being known in Milanello (we trained always here) he has recorded less in finding a new and different person. on the field I'm starting to do something of my own and trying to make him understand how I want to train them "

On what he thinks of bringing the Spring and what brings me back: "I want to continue the work culture that this group definitely did because he did a great location. I have had numerous occasions to see them at work, and I always saw players who wanted to work and this should be acknowledged in Sinisa and his staff. I really wish to bring what has been my methodology and my way of coaching that can be different from that proposed by other coaches. not the best, but different, because studied on a path that may enable the students to apply it in the field. "

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