
Friday 11 December 2015

Niang: "I want to stay here another 10 years. Bring back the great Milan "

He is the man of this time at Milan, suddenly exploded when nobody expected exploit his genius still young and hidden. Yet M'Baye Niang has surprised everyone by showing quality, dedication and even sense of goal. 3 goals in their last appearances in league and Italian Cup, a level of performance superior to that of the best known fellow department.
The Corriere dello Sport, interviewed him this morning, talking about various topics and starting from the present moment and his AC Milan: "I'm fine here, if I could choose I would stay at Milan for at least another 10 years. At Genoa I enjoyed a good experience but my desire was to come back here. Football is a team sport, I myself am dependent on the performance of Milan, for this we have to grow together. We only lost against Juventus recently, although with Carpi we could do more. I winger? I prefer to toe, but I will adapt to everything. "
The talented class of 1994 has surprised even for aging character, also due to loans between Montpellier and Genoa: "I changed a lot, before I made unforgivable mistakes off the field. Now I feel serene and lucid in life when you are happy it is also seen in the field. Genoa gave me a lot, there I could play with continuity. Mihajlovic? A talented engineer, I always try to do what he says. I feel much better, even the president Berlusconi tells me to commit myself more and I have a good relationship with him. "
A closing on his friends in football, or Mario Balotelli and Paul Pogba: "I've always liked Mario, we know well what are its strengths. Paul known him for years, we often played together in the national youth. We resemble? I'm more offensive, he is already ahead of me, but I'd get to his level, be Pogba Milan ".

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