
Saturday 12 December 2015

Balotelli, not only 'symbol'. Now he can really get back on the pitch

Yesterday during his visit to Milanello, Mr Silvio Berlusconi has literally put on a pedestal Super Mario Balotelli. He was the player representative of today's Milan, making him pose with the sponsors in the usual photos. Balotelli Rossoneri as an institution, a kind of symbol of a society that focuses on talent and is even able to redeem the hotheads and give a second chance.

But Mario does not want to be only an icon ethereal, now wants and must also think of the field and to the football player. The chance to return to feel part of Milan will probably arrive tomorrow, when the Rossoneri host the Hellas Verona and the 25 year old striker will start from the bench. The groin is now a distant memory and the formation of Sinisa Mihajlovic has an atavistic need of his play, but often too individual risolutorie, as seen at the beginning of the championship.

Tomorrow afternoon at 15 the strike partnership will consist of Carlos Bacca and Luiz Adriano, but not exclude the use of Balotelli for the last half hour, especially if the situation against Hellas should have already settled in advance. Former Liverpool is that element of the story that Mihajlovic has been waiting to be able to alternate the offensive tandem and build different strategies and more heterogeneous. A bit with his feet and motions of a playmaker, but Mario knows he must be patient before finding the best shape.

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