
Monday 21 December 2015

Bonaventura, the leader that keeps alive the Milan

A goal that finally closed the match, another that was snatched from Carlos Bacca the goal line. A lot of movement and quality in test Giacomo Bonaventura, once again among the best in the field ever in Milan, able to turn a 2015 from the point of view very positive, given the many good performance with the Rossoneri and the various calls senior national team that can run it to the Europeans this summer.
Bonaventure in this Milan is leading the real captain Riccardo Montolivo, although it was not awarded the wing and. Former Atalanta is a landmark in the field, one of the few able to join hands and drag the team out of trouble, though often touches preach and carry the cross in solitary. Even the referee Luca Banti in the match Frosinone interacted more with him than with Montolivo, another signal of the fundamental role it occupies.
La Gazzetta dello Sport reported the statements in the post-match Matus: "We are a united group, we suffered but we want to play a second round best. We are all with Mr. Mihajlovic, happy that this win had lifted its chestnuts out of the fire. Personally I'm happy with my performance and I want to grow even more. " With so Bonaventura, positive hero and humble, Milan can go far.

Sunday 20 December 2015

Alessandro Nesta: "The AcMilan must change mentality and focus on scouting"

It is a historic moment definitely negative for Milan. The second season in a row without Champions League, poor results and a good part of the rose not up to the wearing knitted. Despite the 90 million spent and passes from Silvio Berlusconi in the summer session of the market, things have not improved the situation and ranking continues to be complicated. Today, at 18 to Matus, will be played Frosinone-Milan, playing perhaps decisive for the future of the team and, above all, Sinisa Mihajlovic.

The main problem of this team, however, is not the coach. Miss those players who will guarantee the quality leap and that allow you to win certain games. Players like Alessandro Nesta, for example. An outstanding defender, who left wonderful memories to all Milan fans and not only. Speaking to Sky Sports, the current coach of the Miami FC (team founded by Paolo Maldini) it said its market for the Rossoneri: "Milan does not have the economic strength to be, has to change mentality. Do not think about making a market with a lot of money, but organize it first through a network of scouts. "

Friday 18 December 2015

Milan, the cup is Europe. The road to the final will make it less difficult

The importance of the victory last night of Milan is vital, almost great. The 2-0 at Marassi against Sampdoria can open doors that until a few hours ago seemed locked and difficult to open wide, starting from the position of coach Sinisa Mihajlovic, 'saved' by the networks of Niang and Berry that allowed the his team to regain victory and perhaps stave off fears of yet another flop.

But as reported by the Corriere dello Sport, yesterday's victory may also represent a direct pass for Europe; ok, we are only in the second round of the Italian Cup, but the road of Milan appears downhill than ever: Carpi designated opponent in the quarterfinals and a semifinal between Alexandria and Spezia in the hypothetical, then races all within reach for the clan of Mihajlovic it is therefore likely to slip quite easily into the Europa League qualification.

So if you were to vanish the possibility of returning in the cups through international ranking of Serie A, which currently sees AC Milan in net delay, it could get a breakthrough from their domestic competition so mistreated, is lacking in the Rossoneri's board since 2003. It would be enough maybe just get to the finals, where presumably the challenger will be one of Inter, Juventus and Napoli, then a rival already had qualified through to the Champions League next year.

Thursday 17 December 2015

The focus of the game: Bertolacci is ready to recover Milan

AC Milan tonight will take the field against Sampdoria in a match valid for the second round of the Coppa Italia. The Rossoneri will be on stage at Luigi Ferraris, where this year they have already lost in the championship against Sampdoria. Game not to be taken lightly absolutely one against the team coached by Vincenzo Montella, eager to redeem the 4-1 by the Rossoneri suffered just a few weeks ago in the league. For this reason, Sinisa Mihajlovic will field the best possible team at his disposal, net of ailments and injuries.

THE RETURN FROM THE FIRST MINUTE - Andrea Bertolacci returned to the field against Verona on Sunday and its entry into the second half gave more dynamism and danger to the Rossoneri's moves, as on the occasion of the assist to Bonaventure or when, punting, has missed the 2-1. The former Genoa midfielder had not played a competitive match for a month and a half for a relapse to the left femoral biceps: the last match played by Bertolacci was in fact victorious away against Lazio, with opening goal just signed by the Rossoneri number 91, in the match in which Milan seemed to finally come to the turn having won three consecutive victories.

CORE GAME - In events subsequent to the accident Bertolacci, however, Milan have collected just one win (against Sampdoria), a defeat (against Juventus) and three draws (against Carpi, Verona and Atalanta). A slowdown that has seriously hampered the recovery of Milan to the top positions. In the race tonight Marassi, Andrea should start from the first minute in midfield flanked by Poles or alternatively by Kucka. Either way, he will be the focus of the game Rossoneri, the reference point from which they gush the most dangerous actions of the team Mihajlovic. Bertolacci is ready to resume where he left off, waiting to finally take Milan.

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Berry is a killer: the best in throws - goal.

Carlos Bacca is a killer, a murderess born, one that hardly miss a beat. Under door virtually none is like the tip of the Colombian Milan, a player capable of scoring 7 goals in the championship on 18 shots made so far in the league. An impressive figure, which shows the reality of the former Supreme Seville, cynical and ruthless when you need to throw it in, as happened Sunday against Verona in the only real chance happened in the match.

The BBC says that someone like Gonzalo Higuain, scorer of the league with 14 goals, needed some 60 conclusions to get this score. The same applies to the vice-gunner Eder Sampdoria, 10 networks but many attempts towards opposing doors. Berry pulls less but more marks: average winning by 38.39%, followed by rival Inter Mauro Icardi so far stamped card 6 times.

But the real problem is that Milan takes advantage of too little quality of Berry, the team almost never fails to serve this complete striker, quick and lethal. The few shots on goal made depending above all by the aid of his companions; the only Jack Bonaventure, flexible and mobile element of Milan, seems to be able to dialogue with Berry. The impression is that if the Colombian had those 5-6 balls per game more in the area now have a score staff are the envy even to the top of Europe.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Checkup ok. Balotelli paws ..!

Mario Balotelli is finally ready. The certainty of the end of his groin problems came after the routine visit yesterday in Monaco of Bavaria by Dr. Ulrike Muschawek, the same who had advised him to undergo surgery to defeat the injury in the groin area that for two months the He forced to stop. Milan short, therefore, can still count on his talent purer and more whimsical.

The BBC speaks of a Super Mario motivated and load a thousand, who can not wait to get back on the field. It was for him would already entered against Hellas Verona on Sunday to try to remove the chestnuts from the fire of the Rossoneri. Balo is the attacker with more quality individual, able to adapt with any fellow department. Can return a list already summoned for the match against Sampdoria in the Italian Cup on Thursday evening, more certain the presence of former Liverpool in the last race of the calendar year in Frosinone.

But it will be even more difficult to figure out who will take the place Balotelli in the offensive tandem holder; Sinisa Mihajlovic is untouchable named Carlos Bacca, who has also found the net Sunday. Then Luiz Adriano, perhaps too often overlooked element, not to mention the explosion of M'Baye Niang, but has proven to be decisive as external. Since yesterday began climbing Mario to return protagonist in Milan.

Monday 14 December 2015

Montolivo disputed, it is the symbol of surrender. Who is the true captain??

The audience disappointed and protester Milan today chose a sort of scapegoat on which to unleash much of its ire. Apart from Sinisa Mihajlovic and Adriano Galliani, that rise certainly on the bench of the major defendants, the hottest part of the typhoid Rossoneri yesterday has often thrown against Riccardo Montolivo, the team captain is currently in a crisis of identity and results. Among the worst in the field against Hellas, the director has been targeted for most of the match.

Performance colorless her, made serious mistakes during construction, poor support to the defense and zero balloons served the attackers. As recalled by La Gazzetta dello Sport is the dramatic moment could kick hit safely from the edge of the opponent, and then get scared and incartarsi wasting the chance. Boos even when changing with Andrea Bertolacci, which show that the San Siro crowd not to be reflected in the alleged leadership of Montolivo.

The question arises: why not give the band an element courageous, instinctive and always positive as Giacomo Bonaventura? 28 Rossoneri as the solute has saved face, shone for commitment and efforts rather than discrete, it is the only one to take a hands off Milan trying to give playable balls to tip. On this team in jeopardy frankly one more leader Jack is hard to find.

Saturday 12 December 2015

Balotelli, not only 'symbol'. Now he can really get back on the pitch

Yesterday during his visit to Milanello, Mr Silvio Berlusconi has literally put on a pedestal Super Mario Balotelli. He was the player representative of today's Milan, making him pose with the sponsors in the usual photos. Balotelli Rossoneri as an institution, a kind of symbol of a society that focuses on talent and is even able to redeem the hotheads and give a second chance.

But Mario does not want to be only an icon ethereal, now wants and must also think of the field and to the football player. The chance to return to feel part of Milan will probably arrive tomorrow, when the Rossoneri host the Hellas Verona and the 25 year old striker will start from the bench. The groin is now a distant memory and the formation of Sinisa Mihajlovic has an atavistic need of his play, but often too individual risolutorie, as seen at the beginning of the championship.

Tomorrow afternoon at 15 the strike partnership will consist of Carlos Bacca and Luiz Adriano, but not exclude the use of Balotelli for the last half hour, especially if the situation against Hellas should have already settled in advance. Former Liverpool is that element of the story that Mihajlovic has been waiting to be able to alternate the offensive tandem and build different strategies and more heterogeneous. A bit with his feet and motions of a playmaker, but Mario knows he must be patient before finding the best shape.

Friday 11 December 2015

Niang: "I want to stay here another 10 years. Bring back the great Milan "

He is the man of this time at Milan, suddenly exploded when nobody expected exploit his genius still young and hidden. Yet M'Baye Niang has surprised everyone by showing quality, dedication and even sense of goal. 3 goals in their last appearances in league and Italian Cup, a level of performance superior to that of the best known fellow department.
The Corriere dello Sport, interviewed him this morning, talking about various topics and starting from the present moment and his AC Milan: "I'm fine here, if I could choose I would stay at Milan for at least another 10 years. At Genoa I enjoyed a good experience but my desire was to come back here. Football is a team sport, I myself am dependent on the performance of Milan, for this we have to grow together. We only lost against Juventus recently, although with Carpi we could do more. I winger? I prefer to toe, but I will adapt to everything. "
The talented class of 1994 has surprised even for aging character, also due to loans between Montpellier and Genoa: "I changed a lot, before I made unforgivable mistakes off the field. Now I feel serene and lucid in life when you are happy it is also seen in the field. Genoa gave me a lot, there I could play with continuity. Mihajlovic? A talented engineer, I always try to do what he says. I feel much better, even the president Berlusconi tells me to commit myself more and I have a good relationship with him. "
A closing on his friends in football, or Mario Balotelli and Paul Pogba: "I've always liked Mario, we know well what are its strengths. Paul known him for years, we often played together in the national youth. We resemble? I'm more offensive, he is already ahead of me, but I'd get to his level, be Pogba Milan ".