
Sunday 15 March 2015

Inzaghi Mc: "In Florence serves a performance as the team"

Fiorentina vs. Lazio and against Roma (Europa League) appeared very weighed down: after a disappointing home draw against Verona, Milan must make points against the purple, even to approach the area Europa League.  Milan Channel has tripped Milan coach Pippo Inzaghi to analyze the race:

"It 'was a' good week, we worked hard, we have prepared the game the right way and now let's have a game to Milan. I hope there is a great performance by the team because after the game against the unfortunate Verona, we need a large company and I think it is in our ropes. You can not think of everything that happened there Poli is disqualified, De Jong and Montolivo will be available from the next game. Tomorrow'll hold your teeth but the substitutes will be up. We have to do a race team. The games go by and we must think about the soldiers that we have to face it, we worked well and I hope to make a game from Milan, because we are always AC Milan and we must try to do a race up. I before I spoiled for choice, what's out should think of doing well when it comes, as always happened. I will decide tomorrow who plays because all they gave me great feedback. Mark Van Ginkel is a great player was very unfortunate, because in the moments when he could take the place has had injuries, I saw him well during the week and will play tomorrow without giving him too much pressure, its value is not discussed. "

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