
Thursday 2 June 2016

Paolo Maldini: "I don't like this Milan. I don't going back "

Paolo Maldini: In the aftermath of the words of Silvio Berlusconi, who had reported that the historian 3 Rossoneri had opted for other projects in America and therefore had no time for Milan, this is the former Rossoneri captain response. On the possibility of a sale of the club to the Chinese, said: "New property? Absurd to think of it, it has been discussed for years about this and even here things are not clear. Berlusconi, who want a world of good, knows me well, knows how I am and appreciate me. They make their own judgments, I mine. If they are available? Within this society no, because we have different opinions. My life is great without football, I have time for myself and I can do what I want. For now I keep this lifestyle, but I could only change to something exciting in football. "
Berlusconi recently reported that even if the Chinese from acquiring a majority, he would always be in command remained president for the next three years. But Maldini reports: "Putting myself in the shoes of the alleged investors: if I mettessi on the plate 700 million to buy the company, I would be the one to decide the key men inside, and I would like to operate without delegating anyone. This seems like a logical discourse ... ".
Still on the possible arrival of Chinese investors in Italy and on a future in another club that is not AC Milan: "It would be a sea change if it happened. We will have to get used to these foreign investors, as happened in other European leagues. Do not forget what Berlusconi has done is something truly unique. I in another club? At Inter? No, it is fantasy football ... It 's impossible, but always thanks at Mr.Moratti for the estimate. "

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Berlusconi: "I sell with sorrow the majority of AcMilan"

Silvio Berlusconi in the evening he spoke at Radio Lombardia mainly to talk about politics and elections that will shortly decide what will be the next mayor of Milan, however, has got to also comment the situation of Milan and in the specific negotiations with the Chinese to the club's sale.

These are his words when asked if he has suffered in the last bad seasons the team: "I had so much pain, I had little interest of AC Milan in recent years because they have been the subject of judicial harassment. I could not get interested closely Milan as in the past. But now to return to football leaders need the money that they only Arabic and Chinese. This is why we are negotiating with sorrow the sale of a majority Milan. We are dealing with a group of Chinese state-owned company very serious ".

Berlusconi explains what demands from the Chinese consortium interested in buying the club: "The condition that we place is very accurate, or that there is a formal commitment to invest in the coming years to get it back AC Milan star in Italy, in Europe and in the world as it is I was in the first decades of my presidency. "

Tuesday 31 May 2016

Milan ready the new Asian management: here the details

It will be an Asian Milan but with an imprint Western also what seems possible in the short form. Between 15 and 20 June next should get signatures for the acquisition by the Chinese consortium of majority stakes and officially begin a new era, which will also see a revolution within society and leadership as a distortion obvious.

The Corriere della Sera today clarifies how it will change the management of Milan, which will keep the figure of Silvio Berlusconi as honorary president, no one knows yet whether in operational terms as he tried to understand the Knight, or just as a figurehead compared to past. It suggests a primary role instead to the highly respected Italian-English manager Nicholas Gancikoff, who is working closely with the advisor Sal Galatioto and has already received the appreciation of Berlusconi himself. it is possible that the man of the stadium project can cover the position of managing director.

There will be instead a single owner, a man in command; the Chinese seem willing to bet on a diverse management but compact, with all members of the consortium who will make the decisions together. Also clues about the characters that are part of the deal Milan: Asians will form an investment fund in which will participate in the various companies of the Far East, among which stands out the presence dell'Evergrande Real Estate.

Monday 30 May 2016

Kovacic need to find themselves, AcMilan need to add quality in midfield.

In Milan for the revitalization operation, this time changing shores of the waterway to start, who knows, an adventure all the Rossoneri. The hypothesis Mateo Kovacic to AC Milan could be anything but a simple voice or suggestion, even more so after the statements made by the individual and by Adriano Galliani about a possible deal: the Croatian midfielder, with no space in midfield immovable Real Madrid European champions, could decide to leave the blancos to find space, riabbracciando Milan, which has well-known in the previous Inter experience.

OPENING - "Kovacic? Let's see." Asked about the possible arrival of the Croatian national Rossoneri, Adriano Galliani has not closed the doors before the hypothesis of being able to bring back the former Inter Milan. A track that, even according to recent statements made by Kovacic also FcInterNews himself, seems quite open now ( "If Milan were to call? I do not think the other teams. In life anything can happen, but at the moment I do not think. Milan a beautiful city and I spent there two and a half fantastic, but at the moment I am a Real Madrid player "). Paid 29 million Euros to Real just a few months ago, Kovacic could therefore have a change of air, with the most likely hypothesis of the loan to be able to see the Rossoneri.

TITLE '- Arriving at Milan, Kovacic could find more frequently the only known title in just six occasions with the shirt of blancos: former Nerazzurri lead quality, technique and ability to find those played vertically too little often seen in the team Rossoneri in these seasons. Talent never be able to express themselves at 100%, including benches and colorless performance interspersed with good evidence, the Croatian would so finally the opportunity to enjoy the space and freedom of expression: a reinforcement, the right economic conditions, could prove very important, awaiting the outcome of negotiations with the Chinese consortium to learn more about the market and the future of the Rossoneri.

Sunday 29 May 2016

The Chinese think of the new Stadium: a new home to be reborn

The idea of the new stadium is a key point for the Chinese consortium interested in Milan. Here are the first details.

The Chinese consortium interested in buying 70% of AC Milan starts to plan the future of the Rossoneri. As disclosed in the presentation of future investments delivered to Fininvest and Silvio Berlusconi, the Chinese see in the construction of the new stadium owned a fundamental point for Milan's rebirth. reports the first details of what should be the new Milan Stadium. The Chinese want to build a real Entertainment Center. In short, a stadium, but not only. The idea is that of a sports hall, which would host the matches of the Rossoneri, but also the concerts (which is not possible at the San Siro).
Also over the stadium, it would be built a shopping center adjacent to the field, and even the studios. This allows the inflow to the system not only concern the weekend, but the whole week.

The stadium would have 50,000 seats, as well as had been thought by Barbara Berlusconi in the door area. Just the area is still a major doubt. The two options currently under analysis are that of the new Fiera Milano and the Linate Airport.

To build the stadium would be Nicholas Gancikoff the Sports Investment Group, which is working as a consultant along with Sal Galatioto, advisor of the Chinese consortium. But investors also think the GMP, Hamburg studio.

Friday 27 May 2016

Milan, Ibrahimovic: "Italy offers, it is my second home"

When Zlatan Ibrahimovic say a word you just have to listen and try to interpret. Not a big talker, the Swedish striker, who has always preferred the goals and played like a champion rather than express themselves verbally. But his recent statements, reported on the BBC by the Swedish journalist known Jennifer Wagerup, finally seem to outline what will be his rumored professional future.

Ibrahimovic, when asked about their choices for the upcoming season, has opened a window of opportunity to return to Italy, especially at Milan, which appears to date the only Serie A club can get him to settle down in the beautiful country: "I did not read the papers so i can not say which team i will play. For now nothing happens, I just think the Europeans. I have already made my choice a long time ago, I have concrete offers from England and Italy, even outside Europe, so many alternatives. "

The impression is that Ibrahimovic will not be so fast to announce the long-awaited destination: "The European will be important for me and my team. Return to France will be nice, even if Sweden is my home, while Italy is the second country. I want to wait a while 'before you say, because I like to read what the newspapers, some go safely in England, others in the US. Mourinho? It would be nice to work with him. "