
Tuesday 9 February 2016

Balotelli: back soon super

After a long break due to the groin injury that kept him out for over three months, Mario Balotelli is back available to Sinisa Mihajlovic, who is trying to put it back on sixth floor plan: the Serb is giving him more minutes on the pitch with the passage of the matches, but his physical condition it is still precarious. Unfortunately for SuperMario, though, the weather starts to tighten and for this reason in the next 14 league games will have to try to change gear if you would really win confirmation in Milan next season.

PRECARIOUS CONDITIONS - was reported this morning La Gazzetta dello Sport, which analyzed his season: until now, the number 45 Milanista has indeed missed 13 games due to injury, has played seven matches as a substitute on nine and has not played since first minute from September 27, 2015 against Genoa. Mihajlovic is using it with caution, but, despite the great desire that is showing, its performance is still not up, such as the one on Sunday against Udinese when he played 45 'and seemed still far from his best form .

GROWTH - A Milanello expect any more, including the same Balotelli who now hopes to play from the first minute on Sunday against Genoa, also complicit various injuries that have hit some holders (Kucka, Niang and Bonaventure). Society and coach continue to say that the player is growing, but SuperMario will return soon to be crucial if they are to really stay at Milanello also in the next season and maybe play for a chance to go to the European Championship with Italy Antonio Conte.

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