
Friday 7 November 2014

AC Milan rediscovers the young talent Niang

A friendly is always friendly, with its rhythms, a style of football different competitive nastiness milder and desire to attack the opponent reduced to a minimum. Nevertheless, the Trofeo Berlusconi has become a great platform for some pieces. M'Baye Niang did not miss the opportunity to show off.

Desire and confidence - Deployed holder in the role of right wing of the three-pronged offensive, talent transalpine did not disappoint the expectations of Mr. Inzaghi, eager to observe certain answers on the green rectangle. The class 94 'responded to this, the author of a good performance against Argentina's San Lorenzo. The 19 Rossoneri, with 93 minutes passed under the lights of San Siro, has invented on the wing, a duet with fellow speed, dribbling and try to present more than once by the parties Leo Franco, able to thwart some good conclusions. A penalty kick well and hit a pole from a distance with a great shot from outside the area, the native of Meulan-en-Yveslines you gain so congratulations of teammates and the coach.

Internal solution - The challenge was to represent the Meazza for the former Caen the right entrance exam of the ownership for the months to come, the end result seemed satisfactory. Inzaghi's own admission, the Frenchman, from January, will become a resource for the offensive in Milan, an additional weapon, the internal solution to fill the gap left on the right presented by the Japanese Honda, star of the Cup Asia with the Japanese national team. M'Baye wanted to prove to be present, to be always available, always in status of -born ready- , ready to make his entrance on the playing field. Inzaghi, now, is a little more confident, aware also of the future potential of the boy.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Trofeo Berlusconi, report cards: Good Niang, Saponara and Pazzini

Abbiati: Qualche indecisione in interventi semplici, non rischia mai l’intervento a bloccare la palla, respingendo spesso di pugno. Ci si aspetta di più da un portiere con la sua esperienza. Voto 5.5. (Dal 46′ Agazzi: Operoso nel finale di gara, deviando sul palo un tiro di Barrientos. Per il resto, quasi mai impegnato.Voto 6)
Bonera: Si limita al compitino, si vede davvero molto poco. Voto 6. (Dal 46′ De Sciglio: meglio di Bonera, qualche azione offensiva, molto impegno. Voto 6)
Mexes: Torna a giocare dopo tanto tempo, c’è della ruggine da togliere, non si vede molto ma non commette errori. Voto 6. (Dal 62′ Albertazzi: Ordinaria amministrazione per l’ex veronese. Voto 6)
Rami: Volenteroso come sempre, lo si vede spesso in avanti, divorandosi però anche un gol. Voto 6,5.
Armero: Spinge poco, ci si aspettava di più da chi praticamente non ha mai giocato. Qualche retropassaggio pericoloso. Da rivedere. Voto 5.5
Van Ginkel: Non benissimo l’olandese: ordinaria amministrazione a centrocampo e un gol sbagliato. Poca fantasia, si può migliorare, ma solo giocando di più. Voto 5.5
Essien: Dirige il centrocampo sbagliando poco, anche da lui però ci si aspetta di più, soprattutto se davvero vuole conquistarsi un posto da titolare. Voto 6. (Dal 46′ Poli: Inizia l’azione del secondo gol e regala nel complesso una buona prova. Su Poli si può sempre contare. Voto 6)
Saponara: Una delle note liete del primo tempo, corre, lotta, sembra essere tornato. Suo anche l’assist per il gol di Pazzini, un bel grattacapo ora per Inzaghi. Riccardo c’è. Voto 6,5. (Dal 46′ Bonaventura: Il solito opportunista, unico negli inserimenti, l’arma in più di questo Milan. Davvero un acquisto azzeccato. Voto 6,5)
Niang: Davvero il migliore. Protagonista di quasi tutte le azioni del Milan, dimostra caparbietà e voglia di mettersi in mostra. Colpisce anche un palo, sfortunato ma tenace. Bella risposta a chi lo voleva in partenza a gennaio. Voto 7
Pazzini: Gol da attaccante vero, si è fatto trovare pronto in una dei pochi palloni giocabili. Il tocco da goleador c’è, un segnale per Inzaghi. Voto 6,5. (Dal 62′ Torres: Vicino al gol sul finale con una bell’azione personale, entra anche nell’azione del raddoppio. Sembra essere in miglioramento, ma si aspettano test più impegnativi.Voto 6)
El Shaarawy: La solita vivacità, soprattutto ad inizio ripresa. Niente di eccezionale comunque in una partita a bassi ritmi. Voto 6. (Dal 64′ Mastour: Mezz’ora in campo per il ragazzino, buoni spunti e un tiro da fuori area che per poco non entra in porta. Voto 6,5)
Inzaghi:  Niente di straordinario, novità solo nei nomi non nel modulo, sempre il 4-3-3. L’allenatore rossonero prova ad inserire gli scontenti e da qualcuno sembra aver avuto buone risposte, da Niang e Saponara su tutti. Pazzini si conferma il cecchino di sempre: verranno ora utilizzati questi tre che hanno dimostrato di poterci stare tra i titolari? Già a Marassi avremo le prime risposte. Voto 6

Wednesday 5 November 2014

"Milan District" is the new idea of Barbara Berlusconi for the New Stadium

Comes a new chance on the area on which to build the new stadium of Milan: Barbara Berlusconi, who after really wanted a new home for the club in Via Aldo Rossi would like to make a system property for the Rossoneri, would in fact thinking of building the stadium in front of Casa Milan, creating a "neighborhood Milan."

NEW IDEA - According to a report in La Gazzetta dello Sport, the idea was born in early October, when Lady B, looking out the window of his office at the headquarters AC Milan, he observed what remains of the old Milan Fair and thought it could be just the place on which to build the new stadium. The area in question, which is managed by Fiera Milan Spa, is very large: 45 thousand square meters of street and avenue Gattamelata Scarampo, this area has excellent infrastructure as, for example, is well connected to the metro and highways. In today's day, Barbara Berlusconi will meet with the manager of the Fiera Milano to advance its proposal to purchase and listen to their request for the transfer of that area.

NO EXPO AREA- AC Milan have then changed his mind on the area on which to build the new plant, thus abandoning the opportunity to take advantage of the area that will be free after the Expo next year after having expressed an interest, the Rossoneri has judged too expensive and so this space November 15, when it will close the call, there will be no packet Milan. The road to the new stadium is still very long (opening between 2019 and 2020), but the idea of ​​having a "AC Milan neighborhood" is having very favorable opinions via Aldo Rossi.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

We are looking You !!

Do you have a passion for writing and like to follow the AC Milan 24 hours 24? So what are you waiting collaborates with AC Milan-Tube!

We are looking for good people motivated and wants to prove himself. Those interested, write to us at
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At this time, we are looking for people who are willing, determination and time to work with us in turn, following the daily flow of news.

It involves a commitment of about 1 hour per day.
The work in question can be held safely at home.
At the moment there are no wages ..but with time we could offer fixed collaboration.

If you have any questions, suggestions or to advance their application, please write to:

Forza Milan!

The young playmaker Saponara convinces the coach Inzaghi

Hard to see some positive aspects when training built to aspire to top positions of the ranking is defeated by its pitch by a newly promoted; The imperative now is to stand up in view of the two crucial challenges with Sampdoria and Inter Milan - direct contenders for Europe -. Here then is the lackluster (to be generous) performance against Palermo tick in her destiny a little happy note: Riccardo Saponara. The number 8 AC Milan against Palermo's has collected the first few minutes of his vintage. Ever since he took office Filippo Inzaghi AC Milan coach has never failed to emphasize its estimate to the former Empoli and can even block firsthand the return on loan to Castellani's young midfielder.

ACCIDENT - Saponara had reciprocated the confidence of new coach playing a good pre-season - nothing to be amazed eyes; but still higher than the overall average performance of the summer Milan fans - yet another injury had again disrupted the stability in the run-up to the training of young Forli: knee surgery and a month and a half of sleep. Inzaghi did not forget, however, the opinions expenses on the player at the beginning and at the first opportunity to coach the experienced veteran like Essien and the young Dutchman Marco van Ginkel.

MODULE - Employee first in the classic trio of midfield with De Jong and blue poles, in the second half Richard was deployed as the median in front of the defense by providing a positive performance in both roles, surrounded by hints of quality play and not fall except elementary at a distance because of a condition still in deficit. The report cards on Monday of the major newspapers have recognized the merit saving it like the goalkeeper Diego Lopez of El Sharaawy from the debacle of the crew of Inzaghi. In 2013/14 Saponara collected only seven appearances, two as a starter; the first in the derby, lost one to zero last December, under the dictates of Max Allegri; the second victory in Genoa against Sampdoria this time led by Clarence Seedorf.

FUTURE - As I said earlier; the use of the historical and the immediate future cross: Inter and Sampdoria will be immediate and decisive steps on the road with AC Milan target third place. Saponara to be considered enrolled; captain Montolivo near the back. Two important and essential to the recovery time for the rose midfielders available to Inzaghi. Has not changed the match, but Riccardo has not wasted his time managing not to get out burned by the fall of the devil inside.

Monday 3 November 2014

Mister Inzaghi: "We must not delude ourselves and grow with the job "

On the match: "This is football, I said yesterday that Palermo was difficult to afrontare. We had not even started badly, then Palermo has been good, he deserved success. The growth also depends on the lots. The squared aha Datto everything he had. I am primarily responsible for this parttia, now roll up our mancihe because we have a difficult away match in Genoa, we look forward to being able to play and make up for this loss. "

On the defeat: "I knew that within a growth can go bad times, we'd probably all a bit 'deluded. I'm sorry for our audience, many teams are struggling. The Palermo deserved to win, let's compliments, now we have to start ".

On the season: "I expected it to be difficult to bring AC Milan to a certain level. We started very well, but other teams are struggling. We have changed a lot and sometimes we do not know to react when we go in. All of us will grow."

On the defense: "The defense is the most important, because we have players in front of the goal can find it. Defensively we have suffered, but when you suffer in defense means that the whole team does not work well. Then we had the misfortune of losing Alex then Zapata entered a cold and felt a little pain. I do not like to blame because the manager is the coach. I've done something wrong, I have to figure out what, but this team needs to be left alone. "

The change in the system of the game: "I've changed my system trying to put all the bits I had available. We may have suffered their third game in seven days. This team did very well until tonight, now we slipped a bit 'all' back, but in football it's easy to pick ourselves up. we'll have a great chance against Sampdoria which is before us. "

Honda-exchange Pazzini: "In hindsight they are all good. I thought it already was playing with two median, Saponara is a player with great technique and was part of for so long. Honda had always played. I was hoping that some mettessero Menez and El Shaarawy ball outside Pazzini and Torres. "

Objectives: "I never deluded, I know it is football and where we started. The feet on the ground I've ever had. I know it is difficult to reconstruct something great. The players have stumbled on a difficult day. at the end of the work will pay off. we should not kid ourselves, we have to grow every game. Tonight I am sorry that we have taken a step back from where we were, regardless of the third place. "

Sunday 2 November 2014

Filippo Inzaghi: Objective Third

The arrival of Pippo Inzaghi AC Milan coach in the summer Its main aim was to free the players from the negativity that plagued him for the closure of a disappointing season and raise hopes for next season. As highlighted by the BBC today, slowly the team's objectives have risen: the Milan of the first releases was a team transformed, that seemed to be rid of the negative ballast and thrown headfirst with enthusiasm and character in a new era. From 'do better than last year', the goal became 'hunting in Europe' and then again on the third posto.E 'was perhaps then that Milan has accused the early sufferings. We know the human psyche is fragile and over-loaded, players experienced a decline. Witness the latest releases with Fiorentina and Cagliari Milan has tried to manage and reflect on the match, but the truth is that it is still able to do so. Travel and aggression, so can only take home matches. Tonight against Palermo need this.

Saturday 1 November 2014

Jeremy Menez: "With AC Milan have two major objectives"

A model professional. So has proven Jeremy Menez, who last spoke at a press conference at the Expo Gate, part of an initiative to support the Milan Expo 2015. No moodiness, French has fully supported the decision to send him Inzaghi from the bench in the latest releases: "In the last sosta- Menez said, as reported by the Gazzetta dello Sport- stopped because of an injury fifteen days I lost enamel. They may seem few, but I assure you there are many. The first disappointed with my last games I am, if the team is not very well also blame myself. I'm doing everything to get back to baseline levels. It 'was just that he left the bench in Cagliari, are not physically at the top. But I want to get back with Palermo AC Milan to victory. "Menez then hopes to find the best physical condition as soon as possible because even remembers: "I ​​came here for two reasons: to be the strongest and return to AC Milan in Italy. In Milan, I am very well, and I think you see: I always smile. Also because I know the great potential of the team: with these players there is no option but to point to the third place. "The onus is now on Inzaghi in Palermo bench and field team?