
Wednesday 24 September 2014

Good first: debut with goal

Last night there was great anticipation for the debut by a holder of Fernando Torres with the shirt of AC Milan against Empoli and the response of the Spanish was certainly very positive. The performance of the Rossoneri's number 9 was one of the few pleased to note that a race team Inzaghi should have won, and it has threatened several times to lose it.

DEBUT WITH GOALS - The first match by a holder of Torres has been enhanced by the goal that the Spaniard has scored in the last minute of the first half: Abate's cross from the right and the head of the attacker Spanish that bag at the far post. An important network that allowed the Rossoneri to reopen the match before the interval. Debut with a goal is not something that happens to everyone and in Milan has happened to two other great numbers 9 of the Berlusconi era: as reported by La Gazzetta dello Sport, in fact, van Basten and Weah have marked their first game with the Rossoneri and Torres hopes to retrace their careers AC Milan.

BETTER WITH 4-2-3-1 - El Nino moved so much yesterday at the Castellani and fielded great grit and determination: the Spaniard has great desire to relaunch after some disappointing seasons with Chelsea and start with a goal is certainly important. From a tactical point of view, the feeling, the second Rosea, is that Torres has found better with the 4-2-3-1, module that allows also to Menez play centrally, ie in the position that prefers. At the end of the match, despite the goal scored, the AC Milan striker was still not fully satisfied because it also wanted to bring home the three points: "I'm happy for the goal, but it was more important to win."

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