
Tuesday 30 September 2014

He was right: fly down and hard work

In the week prior to Milan-Juventus, thanks to the enthusiasm for the two-game winning streak at home Rossoneri hovered an air of the summit, an air that you breathe for so long. Filippo Inzaghi has repeatedly restrained enthusiasm, trying not to feed excessive flights of fancy, aware of the capabilities of pink but also the distance with the big. After the defeat against Juventus came two draws against Empoli and Cesena, races, regardless of the outcome, have highlighted the problems previously overshadowed by the victories.

STEP BY STEP - Instead of talking about third place in the Rossoneri's home you should think about this, trying to improve step by step during the season. All work and thoughts to the next game. Gain the qualification to the Champions League would be a minor miracle, so best to aim slightly lower then not risk being burned. Reaching the Europa League would be a good result for a team that needs to find himself slowly starting to accumulate even new certainties Europe.

Monday 29 September 2014

Happy Birthday President Silvio Berlusconi!

Happy birthday Dear President Silvio Berlusconi!
Heart and heart.
It 'the first thought Rossoneri today, September 29.

Happy Birthday!

Sunday 28 September 2014

Adil Rami Play with who???

Four pairs in four games. The Milan defense did not hold, at least in the center. Filippo Inzaghi has not yet chosen a perfect duo and even today, the "Manuzzi" against Cesena, move his checkers. After criticism from the press and fans, Daniele Bonera and when you sit on the bench. In its place should play Adil Rami, who seems to be in the lead on Alex falling (to date, however, the only holder of course). With him confirmed Cristian Zapata

Balance and goals: Inzaghi choose Torres and Menez

This is the hour of 4-2-3-1. This time, from the beginning, after the appetizer of Empoli. Filippo Inzaghi, therefore, decided: stop (at least for the moment) to 4-3-3, you switch to the new form. What a difference from last season - said La Gazzetta dello Sport on newsstands now - this year's work. As mentioned, the match of the "Castellani" gave great directions to the technical Piacenza, who has already chosen the actors in view of the afternoon Cesena.

CO-EXISTENCE - Fernando Torres and Jeremy Menez, needless to say, will be the two protagonists of the new script Rossoneri. El Niño - highlights the rosy - acting as a lone striker can multimillion the whole front of attack, also playing to shore to support the inclusion of his companions. The French, however, after booting from "false nueve", is positioned on the frontline, so having the ability to move on his favorite turf. Here - writes Gazza - seven milanista can point the door with more speed and less yards to go.

EQUILIBRIUM - It is not just being offensive to benefit. Against Empoli, in fact, the new module has yielded significant results also in terms of sturdiness and balance. During the possession of the ball, the more it becomes a 4-2-3-1 4-4-2 covered (or 4-4-1-1), with the outer two midfielders on the line to give manforte the package back. In Cesena, therefore, the proof of the pudding, after comforting impact of Cesena

Saturday 27 September 2014

Positive news from Milanello

Day eve at Milanello for the children of Inzaghi: the report of the training towards Cesena and Milan.

Morning training for the team to coach Inzaghi for the match against Cesena at the Stadio Orogel - Dino Manuzzi tomorrow at 15:00.

The Rossoneri came out on the field lowered behind the gym, at 11:30. After an initial training match with his hands the players have done a dry heating and conducted a series of exercises between the poles. Following players have dedicated themselves to the tactics. The individual: Essien and Alex have done all the work in the group.

The departure from Milanello is scheduled for today at 16.30. Milan will travel on Frecciarossa train from Milan Central Station to Forlì.

El Shaarawy or Bonaventura??

If Milan will line up with the three midfielders, then with the three-pronged offensive, El Shaarawy is that Bonaventura will end up on the bench. In the event that Inzaghi does opt for the 4-2-3-1, the former Atalanta would have more opportunities to play from the start (wide left) in the three behind the tip. For Stephan, therefore, promises another day of enforced rest. Something different, however, for Jack who is well maneuvered to Castellani, after the excellent debut (with goals) in Parma. Mr. Goofy, however, will decide only after the last training session.

CONFIRMED - No doubt about other players who will make up the offensive department. The central point of reference will be Fernando Torres, with Jeremy Menez (in the case of 4-2-3-1) in the role of playmaker. The French, however, with the 4-3-3, it will move to the outside left-handed. On the right, however, without any conditioning module or array, the space confermatissimo Keisuke Honda.

Friday 26 September 2014

Barbara Berlusconi: Milan wants a new stadium property

Until a few years in Italian football was the famous alliance between AC Milan and Juventus, but lately things have changed, as explained Adriano Galliani a few days ago in an interview: "With Juve Giraudo had visions of political football shared. Currently, however, things have changed and, unlike a time, there are a lot more in common with Inter. "

UNITED FOR SAN SIRO - And in testimony of this, yesterday, in the splendid setting of Villa Belvedere, the residence of Berlusconi in Macherio, there was an important business lunch between Barbara and Erick Thohir, president of Inter as Tuttosport reports, the main topic was the San Siro stadium, which must be renewed in view of the Champions League final of 2016, in particular, will work on the area of the first hospitality orange ring on the press gallery and services, so as to make San Siro a facility more comfortable and similar to the best stadiums in Europe.

NEW STADIUM - Dr. Barbara Berlusconi has also reiterated its willingness to give in the future to AC Milan a new system of ownership, even if the path is not easy, especially at the level of bureaucracy and cost. For this reason, the club via Aldo Rossi might be interested in paying less compared to Inter for the modernization of San Siro, since a few years now Inter could become the sole owner of the stadium in Milan. In the second part of the room, then came to Villa Belvedere also Adriano Galliani, who first spoke of TV rights and sport policy with Thohir and later, after the Inter president had gone away, he made the point on the time of Milan with Barbara Berlusconi.

Thursday 25 September 2014

ESSEIN: I want to replicate the successes with AC Milan.

ESSIEN To ACMTube: The stated goal is the qualification for the Champions League. I want to Silvio Berlusconi, the dreams with some doubt Filippo Inzaghi struggling with a defense unwatchable (see Empoli), capable of undergoing 8 goals in 4 games; 2 per game. Michael Essien, however, considers it unreachable. Freeze for a foot problem and so far only used for a little over twenty minutes with Lazio, the Ghanaian paws. Arrived in January from Chelsea, the 32 year-old Ghanaian midfielder wants to make its contribution to the cause Inzaghi AC Milan and just wait for it to give it a chance.

EMPATHY INZAGHI - "I hope to contribute in any way to the success of Milan and close the championship between the first two or three - said the former Blues -. Hopes of doing well are many and my job, so as that of any other Milan player, is to fight for the team when it is called into question. did not play the cups will also help us if we would rather be in Europe. we must look ahead without forgetting that there is to work hard in order to do well in the championship. "Positive impact with Inzaghi. "It is first of all a nice person and then doing a good job as a coach.'s Pretty young, but I have no doubt it will do well if this continues.'s Not easy to coach a great club like Milan, for whom I have much respect against him for accepting the challenge and to give everything he has. "

ACMilan: Process to defense line

And now who plays behind? The strange dating game face from Inzaghi did not convince anyone. It has created confusion and embarrassment, and after the initial excitement among the fans winds strong concern - writes the free press in ACMTube -. Bonera, Zapata, Alex and Rami eight goals conceded in 4 games. Even De Sciglio out of condition, the technician could change form. What are mistakes in defense of a department in confidence and without confusion. Certain errors are no longer acceptable for a big who wants to return to Europe.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Good first: debut with goal

Last night there was great anticipation for the debut by a holder of Fernando Torres with the shirt of AC Milan against Empoli and the response of the Spanish was certainly very positive. The performance of the Rossoneri's number 9 was one of the few pleased to note that a race team Inzaghi should have won, and it has threatened several times to lose it.

DEBUT WITH GOALS - The first match by a holder of Torres has been enhanced by the goal that the Spaniard has scored in the last minute of the first half: Abate's cross from the right and the head of the attacker Spanish that bag at the far post. An important network that allowed the Rossoneri to reopen the match before the interval. Debut with a goal is not something that happens to everyone and in Milan has happened to two other great numbers 9 of the Berlusconi era: as reported by La Gazzetta dello Sport, in fact, van Basten and Weah have marked their first game with the Rossoneri and Torres hopes to retrace their careers AC Milan.

BETTER WITH 4-2-3-1 - El Nino moved so much yesterday at the Castellani and fielded great grit and determination: the Spaniard has great desire to relaunch after some disappointing seasons with Chelsea and start with a goal is certainly important. From a tactical point of view, the feeling, the second Rosea, is that Torres has found better with the 4-2-3-1, module that allows also to Menez play centrally, ie in the position that prefers. At the end of the match, despite the goal scored, the AC Milan striker was still not fully satisfied because it also wanted to bring home the three points: "I'm happy for the goal, but it was more important to win."

Tuesday 23 September 2014

FERNANDO TORRES tonight: an important debut In Away

In the first seasonal matches, Filippo Inzaghi AC Milan has always sided with Menez in the role of false neuve: it fell to the French in fact play in the center of the Rossoneri's trident, also because of the physical problems of Pazzini and Torres. This evening, however, at Empoli SuperPippo decided to change and so to lead the attack milanista there will be El Nino, which will make its debut in the first minute with the Milan shirt.

IT'S CHANGE - As reported in this morning's La Gazzetta dello Sport, the Spaniard has won everyone at Milanello for his great professionalism, humility and education, as well as his desire to re-launch after a few disappointing seasons. After the defeat against Juventus, Inzaghi then relies on Torres, who asks goals and not only that unlike Menez, in fact, the former Chelsea will have to give even more depth to maneuver Rossoneri do to shore and be a point of forward reference to where his teammates will be able to lean on.

DEBUT IN AWAY - This evening, the Spanish striker will own for the first time and it will do away, as has happened in several large numbers 9 of Milan's history, such as van Basten, Weah and Inzaghi: Dutch, in fact, he made his debut in Pisa with a goal on a penalty kick, the African player in Padua (the network went too), while the current technical milanista began in Brescia, but did not score. Torres is ready and has a great desire to succeed, just like they did these three former number 9, which with the Milan shirt won and scored a lot.